Ok so, I posted this to /r/Seduction 5 months ago but I thought you guys could benefit from it too.

We've all heard of the friend zone. Several of us have been put there, and very few manage to climb out. It's a terrible feeling with seemingly no advantages.

This is just a primer (based on my experiences) on using the friend zone to your advantage. It's been a useful skill for me in picking up girls and I wanted to share. If you want to get to the nitty gritty, skip to the 3rd section.

First off, social proof/value can be defined a multitude of ways. How I define it is, people's perception of you on who you hang out/associate yourself with. I'm not saying that this is the ultimate definition. I'm sure other PUAs on here will have a different definition or disagree entirely and that's ok. For the purposes of this primer, we'll just use my definition.

Take this example. Person A hangs out with drug dealers/users but doesn't do drugs. Even though he isn't a user, people's perception of Person A is a drug user because he is affiliated with them. Person A may have positive social proof within that drug using circle, but pretty sure a negative social proof with the global circle.

Now let's take this example and translate it into the world of pickup. Person A hangs out regularly with attractive HBs, engaging them, making them laugh consistently, having a great time. What do you think the public perception of Person A would be?

Girls judge your social proof/value by the girls they are with[1].

In my opinion, attractive HBs rule the social world. Guys want to be with them, girls want to be them. The party is dull with unattractive girls, whereas it's bumping with a load of attractive girls.

But enzo32ferrari how the FUCK do I use the friend zone to my advantage?

WELL. This is where the friend zone comes in handy. Being friend zone, the HB just wants to be friends, just wants to have fun and have no romantic ties. "Well shit' you might say. "Aww yiss" is my response. another high level HB to add to my social proof circle.


yeah. for real dude. think about it. She wants to be friends, wants to joke around, laugh and have fun about it. She's already comfortable being around you. Use that to your advantage; transform your attempt at getting with her as a joke, continue to hit on her, flirt with her, BUT LET HER KNOW YOU'RE JOKING AND THAT YOU'RE GOOD FRIENDS so that she knows its not another attempt at getting with her. Acknowledge you and her are in the friend zone. Hell, I've told HBs first that I've friend zoned them. They'd ask "why?" and I'd tell them jokingly, "ahh I'm just using you to get at other girls". It usually brings a laugh

How does this translate to social proof/value? Well, taking our example from above, when people see you flirting with high leveled HBs making them laugh, they see that you are someone who can engage these beautiful women. Guys will want to know how you do it, girls will take note of it and be more open to talking with you themselves[1]. And the more high leveled girls, the better.

Check out this report from LoveDrop on SeductionBase,

I was out Saturday night with three chicks...a 7, 8, and a 9...and I was basically treated like a celebrity (or a god) for the evening. Normally when I'm out with a hot chick, I will notice more women checking me out, etc. But this was unreal...people openly staring, women approaching our group and initiating conversations, men approaching me to shake my hand and ask us to come over and party with their group, etc. One guy even thought I was a pimp, and he approached me with his wallet open! These are reactions I got from everybody...my neighbors on my way out the door...people in line, club staff, people on the dance floor, people milling about, etc.[2]

In conclusion, don't look at the friend zone as a negative. Flip it and use it to your advantage. Challenge yourself, hell do what I did and tell high leveled HBs that they're in the friend zone. See if they try to get out of it.

Thanks guys,

all systems go!


Sources, 1, 2