Need some advice on how to confront this situation.

TL;DR I stopped using condoms with a plate who claimed to be seeing me exclusively, but I have reason to believe that she is looking around again. How to confront?

Background: Met this plate (HB7.5 college student, age 21) on Tinder 6 mo ago while on a business trip on the other side of the country and have kept in touch since. I see her when I'm in her town, and she has come to visit me. The sex is mind blowing and I do genuinely enjoy her company, which is why I continue to see her.

At one point she brought up the "what are we?" talk and while I made it clear that we weren't exclusive, I said that I would like to continue seeing her when possible. She agreed to this arrangement. I have continued to see other girls, although I don't discuss them with her.

After we met, she said that she got herself tested (clean for STDs, supposedly). She also claims to not see other guys, and showed me the birth control implant visible in her arm. Because of this, I stopped using condoms with her.

I know...stupid. But I have my weaknesses and this is one of them.

Problem: I am currently away on business and she is flying a short distance to spend a few days with me. I went on Tinder and noticed in my feed that she added some slutty pics yesterday and changed her bio to include language about looking for casual sex (very classy).

Now I find myself in a bit of a quandary. The fact that she is potentially hooking up with other guys doesn’t bother me, but clearly I can't go condom free if she isn't maintaining exclusivity on her end. I could try to ascertain that she hasn't hooked up with another guy (yet), or I abruptly announce that I want to go back to wrapping it (and I'm sure she will want to know why).

Again, I realize that this is all due to my own idiocy, but the situation is what it is. What do you all think? Could also be reverse dread and disinformation on her part (I do believe that she has caught feelings for me) in order to force my hand.

My feeling is that I should simply tell her when she arrives that I noticed the Tinder change and that I need her to be honest about her sex life apart from me. I know that sounds Beta and insecure, but internally I don't feel angry or jealous...only irritated insofar as the condom issue is concerned.