I just want to start this post with a huge thanks. It was by this community's content that I was able to fix myself from a self-destructive beta slob to a guy who has his life in order.

While the last year in highschool following my discovery of TRP has been quite explosive in the good sense, the end is looming near. About six months left to go. My grades are looking good and everything has been a smooth transition so far, but I have a problem and just about everybody I know is disappointed in me.

I am not looking forward to college... It is an environment that causes me great discomfort. The extremely sheltered, left-leaning mindset of the academia. The whole "college life" that everybody is trying to sell. Writing a crapton of research papers that will go straight into the memory hole once they're turned in, but whoops, mis-cite one source and you have hell to pay for "playgeearizm". I'm not a big fan of the word "feel", but it all feels so... fake. So out of touch with the world outside of campus.

I was thinking... Maybe a hiatus in the Army straight out of high school to learn a skill? I don't see what I could do to bring myself to stomach college... Any advice from you guys?