I apologize in advance that I haven't quite given this as much thought as it deserves, but when I read many red pill writings, I can't help but think Rand would have approved. It seems that the problem we are all overcoming is one of self-actualization-- becoming the man we want to be and asserting our right to our own lives. In this view, beta-ism is completely synonymous with altruism (putting a woman before our own lives), the blue pill is a code of value that are out of sync with reality (thus morally wrong), and sex, just as Rand describes, is a reminder that life is great (being available only to those who earn it).

Has anyone else made this connection and used it to discover things that are outside of the normal focus of the manosphere?

PS: If you are unfamiliar with Rand's work, obtain "The Virtues of Selfishness" and read it ASAP.