In a post today, I came across a redditlog where the woman was complaining that her boyfriend gave her exactly what she wanted: an honest physical assessment of her naked body, which turned out to be a "7 or 8" instead of the 10 she expected or thought she deserved.

While this illustrates women's inability to know what they want (which implies what they actually want is what others want), I want to draw attention to the top bluepill comment in the redditlog:

I'm more wondering why you would date a guy who thinks like that about women (rating them by numbers)?

Herein lies the problem that plagues many women these days: cognitive dissonance. It's the conflict between their innate biological (or even conditioned) preferences and what feminism/reddit/western media/fat girls promote as reality.

It usually goes as follows:

"Confused" girl: I'm with a guy who makes me wet. I like him. He likes me. Our thing works...But, he doesn't behave like COSMO magazine or my single legbeard friends tell me a "gentleman" should behave.

Feminist hivemind/angry post-wall women: Ugh, why would you be with that type of guy in the first place? Stop having sexual desire and being attracted to popular/attractive/rich/funny guyz! If he can't handle you at your worst, he ain't deserve you at your best!

As you can see, both the real and dramatized feminist comments give no actual advice. They simply want to change the entire way women work and think. The result is that tons of girls have no outlet or framework with which to understand a) why they like redpill guys, and b) why they feel bad about liking redpill guys.

Consequently, most all "redpill women" I have met are the ones who have no cognitive dissonance, which allows them to fully accept and embrace* their femininity.

I'll leave you with this excellent comment by /u/sweetleef: [emphasis mine]

Men succeed by dominating others. Women succeed by attracting men. It's always been that way.

The only new thing is that in the past 50 years western societies have decided to play a deranged game where we all pretend it's not that way, then punish each other for not following the rules.