I work for a company which is a solid 80% female.

Background: Where we work, there are two ways to get tea and coffee. You can either use the kettles which are completely limescale ridden, haven't been cleaned in god knows how long and is nasty as fuck. The other way is a hot water dispenser which is clean and actually pretty good. But it's in the corner and its function isn't necessarily that obvious.

I'm standing in the kitchen making my lunch. This cute as living fuck blonde girl is next to me waiting for this rank kettle to boil. So I ask if she's making coffee, she says yes. I direct her to use the dispenser as it's much cleaner. She thanks me and we start chatting. I immediately engage alpha mode. It turns out she's an external consultant only here for the day, but we're chatting anyway. Oddly enough, straight in about fitness, gym stuff, etc.

I can tell she's interested, coffee is now made yet she's talking to me as I'm putting my lunch together still. We part ways after I establish myself, take a confident approach, make her laugh a bit. But this isn't what I'm writing about.

After lunch, I dropped my plate and stuff back to the dishwashers. The conversation I overheard in the kitchen was pretty goddamned vicious. All the females in the office put in an amazing amount of effort, there's not many with a hair out of place. It's like they're constantly competing. But the stuff this gaggle of hamsters were coming out with, like "I'd have left her have the shit water" or things like "Surprised she drinks coffee, it'll ruin her pretty skin wouldn't that be a shame"

One of them who I talk to kinda even asked me why I bothered. I just replied that I would hope if someone saw me making a not so obvious mistake that they would have the decency to say something. She retorted with something vapid and empty, something to do with how she was obviously a slag and I was just a chump and trying it on with her. My response was simple, agree and amplify. "I just hope she can wash up as well as make a good breakfast!"

The general tone was they did not like this girl, as far as I can tell, simply because of how good she looked.

Later on, I find Ms Consultant lost looking for one of our VPs. I guide her to where she needs to go, ensuring to establish body contact. I walk her there and that was it. And yep, she gave me those digits (I had to ask)!

So something simple seems to have revealed to me that, although girls en-masse hate men (possibly ones they can't have?), do they actually hate girls who are multiple times over their SMV more? If I'm honest, it was their outright bashing of her that spurred me on to work her up a bit more and number close!