We live in a world where it's pretty much every man for himself. But is that a consequence of a series of actions over time - and thus a concern for us now should we wish to better the conditions of future generations - or simply a fact of life meaning that we should just do what we can to get what we want out of life and think nothing more of it?

I understand as men we have responsibilities, first and foremost to ourselves. But do things like charity and altruism contradict self-responsibility? Do we compromise our RP beliefs when we choose to help others with a motivation not only to gain personally but to gain collectively?

I ask because I'm at a point where a career crossroad has presented itself. On the one hand I could choose to do something that would effect tangible structural change and potentially benefit a lot of people, including myself. On the other I could do something that would benefit me and only me and would possibly carry the potential for me to offer simply temporal relief.

I know that sexual strategy is amoral but I belive TRP is more than just sexual strategy. It's because of TRP that I've changed not only my luck with women, but my outlook on the world. Does that mean it's possible to reconcile past-held notions of karmic responsibility with new-found notions of self-responsibility?

Definitely a philosophical question but I would appreciate some words of wisdom. Thanks,
