On TRP we've discussed at length the economics of sex and the realities of the sexual marketplace.In line with this, 'game' can be considered as your marketing/sales plan. For this reason, we should acquaint ourselves with the basics of marketing in business, otherwise known as the four Ps, and how these relate to game.

Product: This is what you're selling. In game context, this is you. Like a business, you can maximize your success by optimizing your product. That means, lifting, making money, and generally being high value. Even the best salesmen and marketers can't get very far with a weak product, so invest in self improvement first, foremost and always and you'll be much more successful.

Placement: Where/how does a prospective buyer get the product. For you, this means knowing how to optimize the area you live in, or moving to a better area if you have that option. On a more micro level, this means simply being where the attractive women are. I come from a state where women seem to literally hibernate during the winter, so believe me when I tell you that even the highest SMV men with the tightest game won't get a girl when there are no girls to get.

Promotion: How you make the sale. This involves getting your frame down and understanding DHV, as well as which strategy to use in a given market. What works on the chick in the club usually doesn't work on the girl in a bookstore, and what works on the 18 y.o. won't be the exact same as what works on the 29 y.o. You need to calibrate your approach to your 'consumer'.

Price: In business, price is the cost to purchase your product, or what you sell your product for. The number 1 factor in your price is the product quality. Given an equal price, everyone will go for the higher quality product. This means you will usually lose out to the higher SMV man. This also means understanding when you've priced yourself out of the market, and need to either lower the price (and your standards) or go back and upgrade the product.