I'd like to say that this is not a boasting post. It's a post to inspire you to do the things that you once thought were impossible. I once thought I could never pull a girl on a dancefloor, have a ONS, get a blowjob in a club, go out with a girl with fake tits, blonde bitches, you name it. I smashed every single doubt over the last few months.

Thanks to the RedPill, I bettered my mindset. I worked on my image, so my hair, my clothes, my body. I've got bulkier and I am now probably the best I've looked possibly ever.

In late Novemeber a plate who I fell for hit me really hard. I really liked her, but didn't realize just how low quality a woman she was. I vowed to never feel like this ever again.

So in the past 6 months or so, I kept bettering myself. I read TRP every day. I contributed as much as possible, I wanted to become fully red.

Suddenly, I networked with the right people. People in clubs who can get me VIP for free. Tables, for free. I realized that going out with the dross and the general public was shit. My friend runs a clubnight full of hot girls, and will plonk me right into vip amongst some minor celebrities. My confidence went through the roof.

Girls throw themselves at you just to even be behind that red rope. Its disgusting but I'm not complaining.

I created an online persona through my social media aka facebook, twitter etc. An absolutely vital tool if you want to get pussy whilst taking a shit or having a starbucks. They are all over the internet.

So with a better look, some better snaps, some cool club pics of me surrounded by women, my value increased. I've been with strippers, 8s, glamour models, loads of 7s. I've pulled at least 2 girls a week since January. Ive slept with around 10 different women, for me, the most I've done in a year. I should mention I still live at home, as I am trying to complete on a flat, so who knows what I would have got if I had my own place.

However, the texting, the calling, the dating, the clubbing, it has left me in a place where I feel physically and mentally drained. I've caught more colds then ever before due to the amount of tongues down my throat. I've been flaked on more times then ever before. Ive had so many dates, that I could write a book.

My point is this. The game isnt easy, but its the only one worth playing. I am on a hiatus, Im focusing on my work, my gym and basically whichever slut can be bothered to meet me with minimum effort. I am building zero attraction, i'm just literally drained. I'm sure I'll be back on form after a little break.

My point is, I'm an average guy. I was just like anybody else. But I believed in myself, found a formula that worked, networked with the right people, and my value, life, has increased. I have been approached to be on TV for some stupid dating show. Because apparently I look like a high value male.

You can do great things in life, and if you have that determination, that will power, you can become a pussy slayer. I never thought I'd get with half of the girls I have, or have the numbers in my phone that I do, or been to the parties I've been with.

Become a better man, and you'll realize that the world will repay you for it.