So, met up with this girl last night. Cute, sweet, actually had some cop to her. As well as being a talented artist (I saw some of her painting and the detail is superb) plus a few other bits that she could actually talk about. So OK, I'm interested.

Weirdly, over drinks, the subject of Reddit comes up. Now I was pretty convinced this girl was a possible RPW though may I need an accurate definition of that. She asks me what subs and I say off a few "safe" ones. Then she asks me, "Have you seen the red pill?"

Of course I say no and she goes to describe it as a sad misogynistic hate group and there's a whole lot of posts from sad virgins.

So... I'm confused. The night went well otherwise. She responded to, well, I guess you could call it typical red pill attitudes. I didn't give a shit, independence outcome... yet she openly hated TRP.

So... yeah... what just happened?