Hi everyone.

I'm not used to fitness. I practice martial arts a lot.

I don't want to get big, I don't want to get abs. I want to practice martial arts.

However, recently I began to get fat. I reached a high level of training in the martial art I practice and I don't use force anymore. I work on internal things and I relax my body instead of making it hard like I used to.

I enjoy my training but I don't want to get fat. I began doing insanity from Shaun T but I had to stop because I hurt my knee during a training and insanity puts a lot of stress on the joints.

I tried to work out but working out put too much tension in my muscles, which hinders my martial arts practice. I was working out every day, and every day I had to eliminate the tensions. In the end, I didn't have enough time to practice correctly.

I'm looking for a way not to get fat without adding too much tensions in my muscles. I don't want to get ripped, I just want to avoid getting a dad bod.

I eat clean. Mostly rice, fish, chicken, veggies and fruits, oatmeal for breakfast and some nuts during the day. Anyway, I don't want to change my eating habbits, that's why I'm looking into fitness.

I will greatly appreciate any advice. If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask them.

Thanks in advance.