As my first TRP post I'd like to point out I'm 20y/o and have been pretty much been redpill my whole life, but still had some blue pill tendencies mixed in there. It wasn't until recently that I started giving half a shit about reddit and then this subreddit...I don't have time to filter through every "omg feminism sucks my wife cheated" post then look at all the good ones on here so I'm not sure if this situation has been executed well...

Skip this paragraph if YDGAF about backstory/how I met this girl. The situation: Up until this semester, I went to school for engineering. 3-4 months ago.Had a "plate" who got all butthurt because she learned that only a week after she decided to stop talking to me for a week or 2(for a stupid personal reason), that I had fucked another girl. Shit ended up not working out with that plate because I sensed she wanted a relationship even though she agreed from the beginning we both didn't want one. She started acting retarded with me so that basically ended with a "fuck you" and a door slam in her face.

Skip this paragraph if YDGAF how I met this girl.

Naturally I started hanging out and fucking the girl(call her Maria) that the previous plate got pissy about. Maria and I became FWB. As an engineering student, I had no time for a real social circle, so I was actually content with that being my only sex prospect. She fucked really well and thought I did too. No abundance mentality here(thanks engineering), but didn't really matter.

Come January I'm no longer in school because of some shit, all I do is work now. Even less abundance mentality, but I still made it clear that I didn't give a shit if we stopped fucking, because sometimes she joked about that. If you're questioning my redpill-ness I'll point out that after fucking up her pussy she started commenting on my sexual prowess. "You're so....not really dominant, you're demanding. You know exactly what you want." Other occasions I'd tell her to do something small, she'd resist so I'd give her a tap on the ass and tell her again. Verbatim: "You're so demanding, I love it!"

Last night: After not seeing her for about a week we agreed to hang out at her dorm, plus I needed to pick up my boxer briefs and other things from the previous sexcapade. She didn't tell me she'd be doing homework and such until midnight, and THEN she tells me she's on the rag. So I take a shower in her bathroom(was previously at the gym) come back I'm just basically sexually torturing(teasing) her with my minimal clothing, massaging her getting her riled up while she's doing her shit. I get bored so I start doing my own thing hanging out, she'd stop periodically to make out with me. Forgot to add in, I'm drinking a couple of her beers this whole time, so I go to piss.

What do I find at the very top of her bathroom trashcan? A nicely ripped blue Trojan wrapper. Ya know, the lubricated kind. (We ran into lubrication difficulties last time "omg I need to start buying lube"(bitch you need to drink more water)). I just stare at it for ~4 seconds, walk out into her dorm and nonchalantly say "Nice Trojan wrapper." She still has her face in her laptop, I could see a slight grin. She said something I forgot, some kinda snide remark or question that I ignored. Without even thinking about it I'm putting my clothes on to go home.

"You're really leaving?"


"Are you mad?"

"Not really."

"Come on let's talk."

"There's nothing to be said."

"Come on, please just talk?"

"I just don't want to be around a girl that's been on some other dick."

"That's understandable..."

And then I'm gone.

I now know why a while ago she radomly asked "Would you expect me to tell you if I had sex w/ someone else?" then asked if I would tell.

I now know why a few weeks ago she suggested "I don't think I should have sex with you for a while."(ended up plowing anyway tho) That was attributed to her finally breaking up with her on/off newly LDR bf of quite a few years(They were 'together' when I first fucked her but didn't even tell me about him til after I did). But now it's like what the fuck.

Accusing me of not fucking her well enough? Well no that isn't really a viable consideration. Still makes me wonder why one dick isn't enough though.

Anyway, how would have you handled this?