My new boss +1 started couple month ago and haven't really heard or seen her much. She never even officially introduced herself. For me this was the first warning sign. Then last week we had to go to a meeting/presentation and that was just terrible and once again was proof for red pill.

She was constantly apologizing. Sorry for that and this and whatever. It was confusing. And my impression was it wasn't' really sincere but only meant for making a good impression.

And then solipsism at it's finest. We were encouraged to discuss the topic at hand, make suggestions for improvements. Every single co-worker that opened his mouth was put down. All their suggestions which were really good were marginalized and/or even criticized. It was obvious she felt personally attacked by every single critical word. She was not open at all for new suggestions or criticism. This was obvious from her body language, defensive to the extreme. She was assisted by a another woman from HR, which reacted pretty much the same way.

The whole meeting was a complete farce. Everything said were management 101 buzzwords or was completely insincere. Funny thing is that one topic was about too many useless meetings. This was just one more...or not actually. Because now I'm certain I have to leave the sinking ship...