I changed/left out some detail. Nothing pertinent to the field report just anything with specific detail. This is the most I want to go into though as people use Google these days...

I was at a gig in London yesterday night. Bands were great. But naturally, lack of metal friends (or real close friends anymore) meant I was on my own. I quite like that though. I use it as an excuse to get my rule of one approach a day in and not have to worry about married up friends breaking my game.

I approached a few girls with zero intention, used a bit of RP techniques, even had a couple of girls buy me a drink. I know, right? A girl buying a guy a drink... Weird! Out of everything, I still can't get my head around that one!

So a few numbers scored, at the back of my mind I don't even recognize myself anymore. The old me would probably have stood in a corner, wondering what it would be like to talk to girls. Madness.

So, it's towards the end of the evening. I notice this cute blonde girl and she's talking with one of her friends. She's cute as fuck. Dressed conservatively for a metal gig which is I guess what caught my eye, about 25. But the friend is a whaler. Blondey doesn't look happy and she obviously wants to leave. I don't blame her, the headline band weren't very good, I was tempted to bail at one point.

The whaler decided she wanted to stay longer, though. And, despite her obvious objection, whaler went back to the crowd.

Cute blonde goes and stands on the staircase, out of the way in a huff. I notice this. She's not looking too happy but damn she's cute. I walk up the stairs, ensuring to make eye contact. She's not looking too happy about having to wait for her friend to finish her night, more like a resigned to her fate, wanting to shout at someone but not able to. I'd wager the last thing she was expecting was someone trying to chat her up!

I make eye contact and she notices. She does have that look of not wanting to be approached. Now, I missed this part of my game. The band was loud. Attempting to instill any sort of game was a lost cause. I decided to go with the ol' "I know you from somewhere" line. It's short, the words are legible in most environments. OK, that line sucks, but this was a split second decision that I was approaching at the wrong time.

So I did the look of "I know you", leaned in, she wasn't very reciprocating and said, "I know you from somewhere, right?"... She said, "I don't think so?" I shrugged, said back "My mistake!". However when I responded, I made sure to lean in properly, touching her shoulder and bringing her towards me so I could talk into her ear.

Crucially, if you try this line, never apologize for the intrusion. It allows her to write you off and forget the interaction. By leaving it as my mistake, it was just left hanging. I was not going to try shouting at her to try some game. I smiled and kept walking up the stairs towards the back. I initially took it as "well, nice try, but no cigar"

About ten minutes goes by, I see her again coming out of the ladies. We're a bit further back so the music is slightly less intrusive. She notices me first and I again put on that whole I recognize you look.

She is trying to look mad and to walk towards the back when again I stopped her and I said in a rather upbeat accent "I do know you! You were the pretty girl on the stairs waiting for her friend, right?"

She was still a little mad at her friends making her stay when she didn't want to and seemed a little focused on that. Which was great, because it took her a second to process what I said and she was a little taken aback. She was somewhere between being pissed off but the pangs of happiness when someone approaches them like that, mixed with some surprise of confidence.

This whole feeling must have collided in her head. So at the first sign of a slight smile, I stated quite authoritatively, "Pleased to meet you, I'm guy who should have left half an hour ago but I thought (band) would get better)."

She laughed a little and I said "Let's go somewhere quieter, I can barely hear you" and motioned to go towards the back bar. The back bar in the rear of the place which is nice and quiet, you can hold normal level conversations. I led her, arm around lower back, towards the bar which was almost empty.

She protested a little with "You're sweet but I don't, I'm not looking for anything" and I just said, "Well, as your friends have ditched you to ride out the rest of the gig, I figured you could use a drink and some company". She was still a little mad at her friends, but seemed a little surprised that I was controlling the situation in the way I was. I figured even if she knocks me back and flees to safety back to her friends in the mosh pit, I lose... what exactly? Nothing, that's right.

She's still a little surprised at the bar. Maybe at this point she wants to flee. I make quick chat to put her at ease. Questions that lead to other questions, really. Start off with a name, so you can reciprocate. Then move onto where you live, i.e. where you come from. Guarantee every girl lives in some craphole of a place - who can afford to live in the City anymore, everyone lives in a craphole. But they'll take time to explain where it is on an imaginary map than admit to an undesirable neighbourhood. Which is great, because you can lead off other questions to that. In my case, I was able to talk about the park near where she lived and the road they're constantly digging up. The point is, bring yourself closer to home where her comforts are, she'll get more comfortable with you, you can semi-call her out on the bullshit hamstering of not wanting to admit the neighborhood is a shithole, but that it's cool, you know it's a shit hole. Builds comfort and ease.

And, crucially, she forgot she was mad at her friends.

We're sat in the back on the comfy chairs. I let her sit first to ensure I sit next to her. She tells me she wasn't there for the main bands, but a friend of hers plays in one of the support bands. But she wanted to leave right after, her other friends didn't. And of course, they're her ride home.

I'm there about 20 minutes with her, making her laugh, escalating kino quite readily. She's responding and throwing out a few shit tests, like "I just met you" and "Do you always talk to girls like this?". I responded, "I just met you too, and thank heavens. You could be stood on a staircase right now listening to some shite band" and "Talk to girls like how?"

We continue chatting, talking crap, I'm making her laugh, increasing kino as I do.

Anyway, whaler comes back to find her relaxing with me, arm around her, turned into me and being quite touchy. And yes guys, the legend of the fat friend is so absolutely true. Whaler immediately shoots daggers at me and then told cute blonde that they were leaving right then and there. I expected either one of two things to happen. I expected them both to leave at that instant, or I expected blonde to put up a bit of a fight instead having fat friend join us.

Instead, blonde says, "OK, go wait for me outside. I'll be there in a minute". A few more back and forths about how fat girl is now in a hurry to leave, but blonde maintains, saying she still has half her drink left and "Don't worry, I'll be two minutes, go wait outside!"

We see whaler leave, beyond the safety of the security guard. Blonde tips back her drink (there wasn't much left) and turns to me and says, "Do you want another one?" She gets up and, despite the bar being technically closed, she sweet talks the bargirl into pouring because she's friends with the support band, flashing a stage pass. Come to think of it, I was impressed.

We sat and chatted for another 20 minutes or so. Her phone was pinging with texts from whaler now trapped outside, blonde just put it on silent and carries on the conversation with me (Somehow we got onto talking about women's underwear... actually a complete accident, I didn't steer the conversation that way intentionally).

Anyways, by the end, her body language said it all. She had leaned into me with my arm around her waist. She even complimented me, telling me I was well built! At one point I did go for a k-close, but she knocked me back saying, "I don't do that in the first hour!" and smirked. I responded with, "I'm surprised you're counting down the time in hours!"

Anyway, it came time to leave, the bouncers were shooing us on. I led her out to where angry fat friend was waiting, looking very red faced. I thought her million piercings would pop out at any moment, but it looks like she'd staved off such a prospect with some burger and chips she was munching through. I'm still cracking wise with blondey, I'm on full flow. Whaler instantly storms over saying she was cold and had been waiting 20 minutes.

Blonde said "I've been waiting an hour to leave this place, you can have your 20 minutes!"

I'm slightly impressed at her forwardness at controlling the whaler. She turns back to me and says, "Well... you should really take my number!" Fatso storms off round the corner, an attempt at attention seeking as she's back mere moments later, cold looking chips in hand.

Numbers exchanged, she goes for a hug. Whaler is obviously displeased with this, sighing and tutting this time joined by a rather lost looking gentleman. If I was a mind reader, I would guess he could be a potential candidate for an orbiter. And it appears that his attempts to style his hair in some modern but stupid style has failed to impress anyone but possibly whaler. But whatever, I have no interest in him do it?

I could just tell from Blondey's body language that she was getting more annoyed with whaler. Even coming into the hug, her face said it all. But rather than allowing her to experience anger while in an embrace with me, I just moved my hand down and start feeling her ass despite being in front of her friends.

Nothing X-rated, just a little nudge so she knows I'm there and I'm what she should be focusing on. She gave a little giggle. Cue more tutting and "Fuck sake" from fatso. I'm talking softly into blondey's ear saying some funny stuff. If you've ever watched a comedian, they hark back to something that was funny earlier but is now more exemplified now.

We're about done and laughing a little together. Blondey turns in, definitely purposeful side of face contact and says quietly in my ear, "You better call me!" I say nothing, just smile and let her on her way with fatso and bluepill weird sonic the hedgehog hair boy.

That's some good work, right there.