Sorry, this is kind of long.

Admittedly, there are things having to do with red pill that I agree with, but he's had some bad luck with women and he seems to just use those reasonable parts to bolster the more toxic ideas that come out of that community. Namely, that women are selfish and worthless. He acts as if trying to do something to better the lives of women takes away from men. He sounds like a nazi talking about Jews. That's not hyperbole. It's just really hard to stomach having a conversation with him because he inevitably steers it that way and all his hate and vitriol boils to the surface. He was never like this before. He tells me over and over again how lonely and sad he is but then when I even bring up the prospect of dating he can't stop saying "the dating pool is a swamp", "men have to do all the work", "muslims have the right idea with women", "every girl I meet is just obsessed with herself and guys play right into it", "I don't have the desire to impress them, because I see right through their bullshit", "society has them conditioned"... It just goes on and on like that with me having to be the attorney for women kind. How do you reach someone that seems to try and evade any criticism of their worldview, shutting down, blowing up, or just refusing to talk about it once you make a point that shows their inconsistency?