Men's "lifecycle" I somehow came up with:

  1. Bluepill virgin with severe oneitis phase.

Those guys are interested at stuff but for fun. They go to the gym casually, for fun, they dont do diets, dont care about bulking or eating clean and probably haven't heard of creatine in their life.

Whatever they are doing(coding, tennis, DJing...) is more to try it out just for fun and they give up the very moment they encounter a difficulty.

They are thinking of girls in purely romantic terms(95% of the time) and get super sad after being friendzoned by their crush and see no gain there and keep trying with the same person.

  1. Blackpill virgin who mentally isn't a virgin anymore

After getting rejected or dumped(probably in a humilliating way), they decide to give up on chasing said oneitis(or some other goal like that one job?) and get emotionally wrecked. They feel anger, resentment and even depressing sadness.

These guys complain how bad is life and how little they can do about it. Depression and suicide attempts are not uncommon here.

They feel it because they know they are unable to achieve said goal or get that oneitis.

  1. The Aftermath. We can say it's a "situationally redpilled guy"

This involves asking friends and people on the internet for help, getting criticism of their looks, style and hygiene, their public manners and etc.

Instead of complaining how little friends he has, he tries to brainstorm 10 places to make friends at, 10 ways to make them, etc. This is where building the most value for oneself takes place.

This guy not only hits the gym but also creates diets and supplement routines, cares about his looks enough to go to a fast fashion store, to buy something cheap but stylish. And gets a more proper haircut and maintains his hair inbetween.

This is where the first plates get spun.

  1. The Maintenance.(Finding your Mission)

He has build the routines and maintains them. It's generally not as hard as creating them from stratch, but in this phase it gets boring and he feels like he needs to do something bigger. The mission, to say.

The mission could be anything but it generally involves creating a family, having kids, running a successful company, travelling the world, saving the planet, researching cure for all the cancers or exploring the unknown. Generally it's a very long-term goal that can be maintained for a lifetime and is greater than just the person alone.

  1. The Commitment.

Here the tree splits in two branches. One is deciding to settle down for some girl you felt very comfortable with and hoping she is an exception to AWALT. Especially if your path is creating family.

Another is letting go of the pleasures, stop spinning plates(or at least reduce them to few so they dont take that much of your energy and time) and fully focusing on your mission. You will only invest as much in physical appearance as it is mission-appropriate.

To some extent one might get comfortable with the one or two girls and will suffer great blow to personal life whenever his turn is over or the family collapses.

Of course here come lawyers and possible damage control on the man's side.

Once again cue depression and complaints, however the Mission holds the person alive and somewhat okay. Enough okay to continue, hopefully.

  1. The Married Red Pill(?)

This phase tries to resuscitate one's personal life, get more plates and fun to spice up the hard work once in a while, and it's even more gangsta if you delegate parts of the mission to the plates. The mission is far from over but there are more fun ways to do it amirite?

This is where you take the kids back from your ex, and they agree. This is where the ex herself wants your D but you pull a reverse Karen on her. You show them the way.

This is where the Mission starts to pay off big time. Your kids on college, hopefully getting the hottest girls. Your scientific career made big breakthroughs in cancer research. You cleaned up the world from trash, created healthier food, whatever it is. You enjoy(and further grow) the result of your life till the very end.

Thats the product of my fantasy while I let my mind wander about a man's life. How accurate is that?