I can imagine a few answers like "what do you mind?", "Don't you have to focus on yourself" "better things to do" etc.

But I am angry a lot at the moment.

My main plate started an amazon wishlist and put it on her instagram. And you can't believe it... people buy her stuff up to 200$. She sometimes takes photos with the stuff and puts them online and they go completely nuts and praise her there.

I mean. Good for her. Good for me, that I am the one doing the fucking... but... I feel so much rage inside me, that the world is like this.

I lift, I read books about self esteem build up, I learn new crafts and look and plan forward to travel through southern asia with a good friend in about a month. So I got better stuff to do... but still I think about it, when making a tea or something and the rage is right back on.

How do you get along with this? I tried to meditate but without a good result.

Honestly, bragging here is a little like a steam valve... but I can't come around with every feeling and post it here.

Anyone had the same situation or mindset? What thoughts helped you out of it?

And big thanks, that this community exists. I'm really grateful for it...

edit: THANKS for all your answers. I read them and it took around 4 hours, then all the anger was just gone.
I still have some head shaking to do, that TRP is so real... but getting closer to accepting it.