I've read some articles on red pill about living a life of "simple, natural pleasures". Meaning: cutting out any stimuli's that are "supernormal" like gaming, porn, fast food, drugs, anything really that's been engineered by man to take advantage of our natural urges. So, this AMA is asking anyone who has successfully managed to do that for any length of time.


  1. How long have/did you live a life of simple pleasures?

  2. Were you assumptions correct? Did it improve your life once you adjusted? Do you feel less discursive and more able to concentrate in general?

  3. Did you find yourself bored a lot?

  4. If you have/had acne, did it decrease your acne?

  5. Do you still recommend living this kind of lifestyle?

  6. Are there any exceptions that you will allow yourself to make? What kind and how often?

  7. How did it effect your overall happiness?