I am 29, husband is 30, married 4 years. I’ve perused the sub quite a bit- I was really into an RPW marriage but have fallen off over the years. Our marriage really was the best when I went all in though. I’m trying to get back to it.

Our 13mo sleeps in bed with us, and it greatly affects our sex life. My husband is very task oriented so trying to pull him away if I get baby to sleep/play in his crib in another room doesn’t work, laying baby on my side of the bed and getting it in on on his side doesn’t work. He just can’t get into it.

I have absolutely contributed to this by not only breastfeeding, but also prioritizing sleep and getting babe addicted to side nursing at night. I do enjoy having my baby with me in bed- but I also miss my husband and would like to get our intimacy back. The idea of connecting with him sounds great in my head , but when it comes down to it my sex drive is gone- I’m guessing because I’m nursing. Not to be too blunt, but horny is not a thing for me- ever. We have attempted sleep training, but I think my love of sleeping with baby combined with his want to follow my lead has prevented us from following through. Baby is 13mos and should be able to sleep on his own, but I honestly can’t even picture it. The perfect solution to this would be that my husband is willing to go get it on when I get baby down in his crib during the day or right at bedtime, but it just doesn’t seem to work? He’s just not into it and I can’t take another denial in all honesty.

Tbh I also wonder if he just isn’t attracted to my post partum body. I’m sincerely trying to lose weight and I’m definitely active with my little outside as much as possible. I’ve even taken to running in place and doing crunches when I’m just watching him explore rather than sitting. We keep a large garden and we have lunch there daily while we either gather the harvest or just explore. We also have a greenhouse so it isn’t seasonal. I’m trying, but until I’m done nursing no dr will touch me or whatever the issue is, so for now there’s not much to do medically.

For reference I’m 5’4” and 150lbs- so about 10-15lbs overweight, but if I’m honest 125 is my sweet spot.

Help me get my intimacy back!