I just read a post about a guy that is going through a similar situation that I have. But I’m accepting that there is something that I must do to cause it, so I would like to work on it. And if it’s not me then I must hang around some shitty people. There are times I’m overwhelmed with people wanting to hangout or party or go do something, but it’s not very often anymore I’m 21 now, In highschool I had a very big social circle and I guess I have changed a lot and forgot what it took to have that. Basically, I have a few close friends that really only hang out with me but they are extremely beta and have girlfriends whom lead them. But most of my friends that I can go out and do things with always act like we are really good friends together, but I rarely get invited to gatherings anymore, hardly anybody answers the phone if I call, or I may have something that I k ow would be fun and cool to do for all of us but they choose somebody else, then the next time we hangout they may say like oh well we had a great time with “x” doing “y”, and I’m just like cool beans I would have liked to do y with x but never got an invite. I’m a responsible, confident guy. I try to show leadership with everything I do, I help out when people are in need “not that it only benefits them, I’ve learned that lesson”. I have a lot of cool hobbies and skills, idk if my friends have drifted away from all of that or what. The people I hang around seem to talk a lot and I’m always down but when the time comes to talk to the group of girls, or do this, or drive here, I’m still down but nobody else is and I’m left doing it alone. They say you attract what you are, I find that statement to not be fully true.