I am typing this on my phone, so please excuse any errors.

So, I was married for 5 years to an amazing woman. When we hooked up I was very RP. That is pretty close to my natural frame. Thing about this girl that I was OK with marrying her was she loved me like crazy, and I truly trusted that she would never divorce rape me or fuck me over. She had integrity.

Unfortunately, in the course of the relationship, I had some bad things happen, and ended up sliding into more of a BP mentality. I was being open with my insecurities, and not maintaining frame. However, that wasn't what ended our relationship. Cancer did. She passed on Thanksgiving in 2012.

We had been saving up to buy a piece of land, and we where going to do it for cash. No mortgage. However, being married to someone with "preexisting cancer" made it so I had to pay nearly a quarter mill on her treatments. While she was doing them I just was thankful that I could still keep up and wanted to save her, because in a very BP way I really loved her deeply.

So she passed, I got medical bill raped, and all of a sudden I am all alone. I had been in other relationships before her so I hadn't been single in over 10 years, so I was quite scared of being alone.

I jumped right into another relationship with a polish girl, who was nothing like my late wife. My friends all hated it and stopped hanging with me, and within 6 months the polish girl started showing her true colors. Constant shit testing. Flirting with other dudes at parties I was at. Then she demanded that I marry her in order to get her a green card. Also was really pushy about getting pregnant and me paying for everything even though she was a trustafarian. So, I nexted her ass. She went on to marry some other poor soul, and went to get her green card, failed because it was so blatant that she was gaming the system, that she demanded an immediate divorce from the poor guy, and then had restraining orders. Etc. Put on him. I am just glad I got out of that one!

Stay with me here:

So, within a week of nexting her, an old friend from before I was married came to visit. I pulled out my game, and convinced her to move out to where I live, stay with me and we can live happily ever after. Right? Wrong. While I was really pumped on her, she seemed like a 9, we got along great, instantly started making plans about the future, etc.

So, we decided that we would build a business together, and work on that for the next 6 months. I was sure the business was going to be a hit, so I invested all of my savings into that and into paying for everything for us for the next 8 months while we built the business.

So, a couple of months go by and she has an "event" that she does a couple of times a year, that she needs to go back to her home state for a month to do. But she needs me to pay for it. "Don't worry, I will get paid for it and pay you back". Ahem. BS.

She goes to the event, and her behavior seems really odd. I couldn't put my finger on it for several days, maybe even a week, so I just start writing down my thoughts until I decided to Google the name of the group followed by "cult". Sure as shit, this is a fucked up cult that she is at. Not only is she there, but she had been a part of this group for her whole life. She was getting paid to be there (not very much) but most of the people working the event do so to "give back".

I lose my shit. Send her the ultimadum that its me or the cult. She cries and counsels the leaders and they all think since we have a bright future that she should come back and work it out with me. (That's the story she told me).

OK, I have invested all of my Money into this business and future wife, that I thought I would at least hear her out when she gets home in person.

She gets home and I let it rest until she is settled. But I had gathered all kinds of info about this cult and also how to get cult members to wake up. When it was time to get into the discussion she absolutely refused to listen, but instead said that if I was so upset about it that I would dump her, that she wouldn't ever go back, and we could go forward with our plans. I thought that was a win, so I dropped it and we agreed to disagree on the fact that it is a fucking cult.

Now fast forward to NYE of this year. Pregnancy test positive. By this time the business was almost done, about 6-8 weeks until it was ready to go live, and we are both thrilled! I am moving up in my years, so if I am going to have kids, then lets do it. Money was starting to dry up, so we agreed that she would get a job while I did all the work for the business. I forgot to mention, she never did jack shit to help build the business.

OK, so we are prego and going strong. 3 weeks later, she is getting a little distant. She had a job offer which we celebrated, and we had such a great date night.

Anyway, 2 mornings later, I sleep in a bit and get up and see her sitting silent on the couch staring on her phone. I ask what's up and she just looks at me and says, "I am leaving, you can't stop me, this is my kid, you won't be the father".

I about crapped my pants, and immediately started asking rational questions, like where is the money going to come from? Where are you going? Are you running off to the cult? You do realize that this is my kid too right?

She said it was none of my business where she went and to not try to even stay in contact. We were through. I asked what was so wrong with our relationship that she would steal a child from a loving father. She said nothing. She said she knew I would be a great father, and that I was a great boyfriend, but she is moving anyway.

So, I spent the next 24 hours trying to change things, until she actually hopped on a plane. I was so crushed. So I gave her a few days thinking she might text or call or whatever, but that didn't happen, so I emailed her. She came back with all kinds of hostile shit and said never to contact her again. I replied saying, that I have rights, and she can't keep me away from my kid.

So that when I called my lawyers. They basically said that since there is no baby yet that there is nothing I can do until its born. However, by the time its born jurostiction will be set to where ever she is living and gives birth. Which happens to be 2500 miles away.

So she has changed her number, blocked me on FB, blocked all ways to directly communicate. I find out front a couple of mutual friends that she went straight to the cult, was working for them and is now shacked up with some beta from the cult. I feel so sorry for him.

Anyway, that was all months ago, and the kid will be born in around 6 weeks from now. Its a boy. Meanwhile, I just sold everything I own and moved into the kick ass city close to were she is, and I haven't made my final decision yet, she has no idea i am here, but I will very soon about weither or not I take her ass to court over custody of my kid. Thing is, I am still getting much of her mail. Her credit cards are maxed, she is in collections for shit, and she won't be able to afford this. Not to mention that she is fucking insane! I have built up a pretty good case, and since she left I have been on TRP almost every day lurking. I have really improved myself, and in this new city I have more plates then I can spin. I feel so liberated and happy to be alone living my life, and spinning mad plates.

So my decision is one of the following:

  1. Stay strong and determined to play the long game for the sake of my son to not be raised by a cult, and spend a fortune on lawyers. Hopefully by 5 years from now have full custody. Also try to get just enough custody that she doesn't get shit for CS, but rather break even or better.

  2. Pretend nothing happened, and keep spinning plates like mad, until the time comes for her to CS rape me. She will wait just long enough for my case against her to be useless, if i wait to fight in shows the court that i am not interested, so I will pay a percent of my wages and get very little if any visitation.

  3. I don't have a number three. Do you?

Thanks for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed the fucked up mess that has been my life for the last few years. I would love to hear your advice on how to move forward.

Tl:Dr; never stick your dick in crazy, and trP works, and AFBB.