I was listening to the Christian McQueen podcast, something I'd highly recommend to listen.

He made a great point "I go onto porn sites and see more new girls everyday, every single day there are loads of new girls, so don't harp on about this one snowflake you've just met"

Last night I was bored shitless, my plates have bored me and I want something new.

So two new plates through social media of all places followed and I got both their numbers. Both hot and both DTF potentially.

What I am saying is, there are loads and loads and loads of girls out there. Some will like you, some will hate you, some will tease. But I strongly subscribe to the numbers game rule. So keep going.

Don't think just because one is nicer to you then the others she's different. Judge that shit after 6 months not 6 weeks.

Keep going, keep fucking, keep winning.