I don’t give a fuck! Beta bucks. Fuck you! What a whore. Oscar Wilde said “Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.” Make no mistake here, sex is a form of currency. Ask yourself a few questions: Are you buying or selling? Do you use your sex to buy assets or liabilities? How valuable is your currency, ie: is your sexual currency more like US dollars or more like the Indian rupee? How many dollars (or rupees) are you carrying with you now and how much do you have in the bank? Were you born with a lot of currency or do you need to acquire a lot? The answers to most of these questions will be determined entirely by your gender. If you were born a woman then you have an asset/ cheque book between your legs which will remain valid until you are around 45, to sell your currency you only need to get out of bed, dress and maybe wash yourself. If you were born male then you most likely have a liability/ debt between your legs so you will need to spend a lot of effort and energy acquiring some currency.

There are exceptions to these rules, if you are female and you are in the bottom 10% of appearance due to terrible genes then you were probably born in debt. If you are a male in the top 10% of appearance due to great genes then you were born with a cheque book. Obviously this is a guideline like the Pareto principle, not an absolute. It is a spectrum, like alpha and beta and you can find yourself with credit, debt or a zero balance subject to your life choices. On top of this there is a lot that both genders can work on to increase the amount of currency available to them. So you can drop out of the top 10% or you can work your way into the top 10%. Indeed if you can get into the top 20% of either male or female sexual currency then you are going to be much better off than the bottom 80%. Both genders can modify their chances by lifestyle and mental choices.

So depending on your luck in the genetic lottery, the effort you put in, your lack of discipline, your good and bad decisions you will shift up or down the spectrum. Love and war are both just stupid games that adult humans play with each other. Most of the time neither player knows the rules that well and they have no real idea why they do anything. Whether you have a lot of currency or just a little, the next big part of the equation is what are you spending your currency on? Women are the gatekeepers to sex and men are the gatekeepers to commitment so you need to ask yourself are you giving your currency away too quickly?

If you are a female then as the gatekeeper to sex, you should not give your sex away cheaply. Why do you think there are at least 42 million prostitutes in the world, with 80% of these being females and the remaining 20% of male prostitutes generally servicing men? Only 11% of male sex workers have female clients, that means that almost 98% of the money spent on prostitutes world wide is spent by men. Truly a man’s appetite for sex is voracious and all consuming. So the smart tactic for a woman is to optimise looks and remain chaste in the hopes of securing a high value man. Of course you can cheat, and lie about your n-count but that will still leave you with a lower quality man, high quality men have the experience to know the difference between a woman who chooses to give her currency away cheaply.

If you are a man then you should not give away your commitment cheaply. If you are the sort of guy who lacks sexual currency then you are the sort of man who gives up his commitment easily. Maybe you are working your ass off in a job you hate and you are scared to tap on your wife’s shoulder and ask her for your bi-monthly installation of starfish duty sex. Maybe you allow an angry fat woman to boss you around. Maybe you take women out for expensive dinner dates and listen to her stories about her job. Maybe you cried when your girlfriend dumped you because you value your relationship more highly than she does. Worst of all you are a beta orbiter and you dangle your worthless offer of commitment to a woman who has absolutely no desire to cash that cheque. A lack of abundance/ currency is a very bad thing for a man. Unlike a woman who can just lie about her n-count, faking abundance is much harder for a man. Women have antennas and they can sense your weakness. You can lie and cheat like a PUA but at the end of the day, you will never have a decent or significant relationship with a high quality woman.

Most of the above applies more to sex and relationships but sex is still a currency in the context of casual sex. People use the most common form of currency, money, to buy all sorts of things. Some of these things are good for you and some are bad. You might buy something on impulse and get buyer’s remorse afterwards. You may buy something which is for pure indulgence and has no future value, indeed you may buy something that actually reduces your assets now and in the future. In this case you have used your money to buy a liability rather than an asset. If you had a burger and fries for dinner rather than lean meat and veggies then take a guess at whether you just purchased and asset or a liability with your money.

No one should imagine I am being puritanical or prudish here. We all buy liabilities, we all love liabilities and guilty pleasures, life would barely be worth living unless you have some things which provide just pleasure. In the context of sex as currency casual sex is a guilty pleasure. It has been estimated that $186 billion dollars was spent on prostitutes in 1 year. Given that almost 98% of that money was spent by men it is a very clear example of a currency exchange. The prostitutes are spending their sexual currency in exchange for money, and the men are using their money in exchange for sex. In a dating context a woman riding the CC is exchanging her currency for a liability. I could go on here with more and more examples but these are red pill subs, we all know the score.

So to summarise, try and keep a budget and have some idea how much currency you have, what your currency is worth, and be careful what you spend it on. If you want to know how to optimise your sexual currency, then you know where to look, it’s all on the TRP, MRP and Red Pill Women sidebars.

Peace ❤️