Hello! You guys are going to rip me apart. That's fine, I deserve it. I've previously posted on /r/asktrp here. I've also been reading everything in the sidebar, but it'll take me awhile to get through all of the material. I've also started reading No More Mr. Nice Guy.

So here's a brief synopsis if you don't feel like reading my last post on /r/asktrp: here I (34) cheated on my wife (36) in January, but came clean about it 2 days later and told her I think we should get a divorce because I'm attracted to other women (and not just the one I cheated on her with). I told her I planned to continue seeing the woman I'd been with and I'd like to see others. Divorce was obviously required here....but she suggested an open marriage instead.

My wife really sucked at dating. It took her 4 months to finally find someone that wasn't a complete loser. Then she fell for him and she's been acting different. It scared me and made me think I was losing her....I lost all of my confidence and stopped dating around. I'd dated 3 different women and only fucked 1 of them. She was insistent that neither of us have sex with anyone so I had been trying to comply with that.

I'd say that the position I put her in was really shitty. There were much better ways I could have gone about that. What I did was cold and cruel. I'm being brutally honest here and not putting myself in any form of positive light. I stopped dating because I wanted us to stop being open and go back to being monogamous. She is currently in what is best described as a 'romantic friendship' with her boyfriend and has no interest in sleeping with ANYONE but me. She is still really into me, the sex is good, and I can tell she loves me very much......believe it or not. Yes.....I'm well aware that she could be fucking him and I'd never know. Worst case scenario - she is, so I assume she is and decide fuck it, I don't care.

So my goal is to have the best possible relationship with my wife. Both of us are strongly opposed to divorce. I've got a full time job and make $100k/year. She's a house wife and not really wanting to work despite having a nursing license. She has considered going back to work to make money because she thinks she has "found herself" and wants tattoos, piercings, concert tickets, and other shit.

I've tried giving her an ultimatum, saying end your relationship and we go back to being monogamous or we are getting a divorce and you are moving out (the house is in my name and she wouldn't be able to afford it). That went horrible....pushed her away a bit, and I couldn't stick to the ultimatum. So she won and has power tripped a little bit.

Right now she believes she is more in control, but that's already changing. I've been applying what I've read in the sidebar....little subtle things here and there, like saying no to some requests when I'm busy (politely, not being an ass). I've stopped apologizing for anything. I've stopped pleading with her to stop. I've stopped with emotional outbursts and done my best to act like I don't care about her having a boyfriend.

The biggest impact so far has been from me telling her that I plan to resume dating around since she isn't prepared to end her relationship with her boyfriend and go back to being monogamous. She says she is in love with me and I haven't heard that in awhile....I think our marriage will actually be better than it was before if we manage to work through this, but it's really fucking hard to do.

I've had alot of trouble dealing with jealousy, but the one thing that has helped has been looking around on dating sites trying to find someone else. She HATES it. She forgot how much jealousy sucks for her. It's easy and fun when you're the one dating someone, but sucks to see your S.O. doing it! I have had conversations with her about boundaries.....she stayed out till 4am the other night with her boyfriend when I had told her she needs to come home every night. She hadn't planned on coming home at all but I had texted her telling her I needed our son's car seat. So we talked about that and I told her we could do away with that boundary, but I planned to be staying out all night myself. She tried to make a case with me that because I had sex with someone previously, I shouldn't be permitted to stay out all night and since SHE has not had sex with anyone it should be ok for her to be out all night. I smiled and told her she'd have to deal with it and trust me just the same way I was trusting her.

So I seem to be headed in the right direction here, but I could still use advice. Let me know what you think I should be doing in addition to anything said above. My goal is to end this bullshit eventually. Go ahead, rip me to pieces. I deserve it for being a fucking idiot.