So I have a collection of PDFs on my laptop of various reports, studies and manosphere-created projects which are all of incredible significance to red pillers.

If you don't like reading academic writing I recommend skipping all the reports and instead just downloading both versions of the Book of the Pook. They are both different in format and contain different content. To save the files you may need to right click on the links and go to "save as" otherwise depending on your settings, Adobe will just load up the file in your browser directly from my blog. Enjoy.

A Brief Report on the Dark Triad of Personality

What it's about: "Of the offensive yet non-pathological personalities in the literature, three are especially prominent: Machiavellianism, subclinical narcissism, and subclinical psychopathy. We evaluated the recent contention that, in normal samples, this Dark Triad of constructs are one and the same. In a sample of 245 students, we measured the three constructs with standard measures and examined a variety of laboratory and self-report correlates. The measures were moderately inter-correlated, but certainly were not equivalent. Their only common Big Five correlate was disagreeableness. Subclinical psychopaths were distinguished by low neuroticism; Machiavellians, and psychopaths were low in conscientiousness; narcissism showed small positive associations with cognitive ability. Narcissists and, to a lesser extent, psychopaths exhibited self-enhancement on two objectively scored indexes. We conclude that the Dark Triad of personalities, as currently measured, are overlapping but distinct constructs."


Dual Sexual Strategy in Females – Is the Mysterious Nature of Women Explained

What it's about: "Thornhill and Gangestad try to show that women have a “dual sexual strategy,” which means that they adopt different mate choice criteria and different sexual strategies in fertile and non-fertile phases of the menstrual cycle. When fertile, they try to choose a mate with “good genes”, and when non-fertile, they adopt strategies to retain a male partner from whom they may obtain some material benefits. Furthermore, Thornhill and Gangestad claim that to be selective in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle (i.e. preferring males with cues indicating high genetic quality), females should not “openly” advertise ovulation."


Gender and Sexual Orientation Differences in Sexual Response to Sexual Activities

What it's about: In this study, the authors investigated the hypothesis that women’s sexual orientation and sexual responses in the laboratory correlate less highly than do men’s because women respond primarily to the sexual activities performed by actors, whereas men respond primarily to the gender of the actors.


Parasites and Raven Mothers - A Comparison Between German and Japanese Single Motherhood

What it's about: Having a child out of wedlock used to be associated with shame and scorn. This is mostly not the case anymore in the western world. Therefore, freed from social sanctions, single motherhood has become an additional family-choice alternative for women, along with marriage and childlessness. Yet, the institutions that influence women’s decisions differ across countries.

We compare the institutional frame, inparticular labor-market characteristics and family law, in Germany and Japan and, in addition, the interaction between culture and institutions. Both countries had a very traditional (one-earner) family system until the second half of the 20th century. Now we can observe that social changes that happened in Germany decades ago are happening only now in Japan. We analyze if and how the consequences in terms of family structures and fertility rates that resulted in Germany can be transfered to Japan.


Sex as Female Resource for Social Exchange:

What it's about: A heterosexual community can be analyzed as a marketplace in which men seek to acquire sex from women by offering other resources in exchange. Societies will therefore define gender roles as if women are sellers and men buyers of sex. Societies will endow female sexuality, but not male sexuality, with value (as in virginity, fidelity, chastity).

The sexual activities of different couples are loosely interrelated by a marketplace, instead of being fully separate or private, and each couple’s decisions may be influenced by market conditions. Economic principles suggest that the price of sex will depend on supply and demand, competition among sellers, variations in product, collusion among sellers, and other factors. Research findings show gender asymmetries (reflecting the complementary economic roles) in prostitution, courtship, infidelity and divorce, female competition, the sexual revolution and changing norms, unequal status between partners, cultural suppression of female sexuality, abusive relationships, rape, and sexual attitudes.


Sexual Infidelity in a National Survey of American Women:

What it's about: The purposes of this study were (a) to estimate the annual prevalence of, and to identify the predictors of, sexual infidelity in a population-based sample of married women (N 4,884); and (b) to evaluate whether the prevalence and predictors of infidelity varied as a function of whether the assessment of infidelity was based on a face-to-face interview versus a computerassisted self-interview. Annual prevalence of infidelity was much smaller on the basis of the face-to-face interview (1.08%) than on the computer-assisted self-interview (6.13%). Although many of the predictor variables replicated results from previous studies (e.g., demographic variables, religiosity, sexual experience), findings also indicated that childhood sexual abuse (i.e., forced sex) predicted greater probability of infidelity. Finally, the magnitude of the association with infidelity for 4 of the 9 predictor variables differed between the 2 methods for assessing infidelity. This study’s findings underscore the importance of assessing infidelity with methods such as computer-assisted self-interviews that minimize the influence of social desirability and impression management.


The Book of Pook

What it's about: Many different overlapping areas of the manosphere, mostly game but there is some literature on increasing testosterone and criticism of feminism/the cultural decline.


The Book of Pook & The Mill

What it's about: Many different overlapping areas of the manosphere, mostly game but there is some literature on increasing testosterone and criticism of feminism/the cultural decline.
