Greetings one and all:

Our sister from RPW /u/wingnut recently gave us the #Marriedredpill IRC Chat room.

I initially thought this might be a way to connect to RPW and have cross-gender discussions in real time but the mods have concluded that is not the best idea at this time.

However, I can see a good MRP person leading this could hold chat parties announced on the MRP blog, and related activities which could provide value for some guys. We could actually connect with one another in real time which sounds pretty cool to me!

Once the rules are established for the Chat room and the leadership is established we will link it on the MRP sidebar.

Of course the value of this all depends on who participates.

IRC is a very different medium than the blog, more like real time snippets rather than the in-depth analysis we do so the way I see it now is the Chat Room would be for Red Pilled and Unplugging Married guys to chat in real time.

We are open to ideas for the optimal use of this space for MRP.

Are there any guys with MRP Flair who would like to lead this effort? The room is already set up and all that needs to be done is to transfer Ops from the RPW mods to whoever is leading this for MRP.

Post your ideas and your willingness to lead this effort, then (once the other MRP mods reach a consensus- or at least don't have objections) you will need to coordinate with RPW mod /u/wingnut on Kiwi to transfer control. She is often on Kiwi so that part is easy.