I just wanted to document the recent moment where I realized that I was no longer just a casual or sort of... half-interested passive reader of TRP. I realized this when I saw that people still don't buy this, that there are white knights EVERYWHERE still, and I guess my feeling was, for the first time, that TRP is just so obviously right, generally, that these people are just completely laughable to me. It's just pathetic that people still don't accept TRP. I don't "mind" per se, more just worry about others who are like how I was before... who need this information and won't be getting it because of the people around them who discourage them from thinking about it.

It was a great feeling, to feel no doubt anymore, or even shame. There is a moment where you realize, "I don't have to be embarrassed for reading this material, or espousing it. In fact, I want to, because I want other men to be able to get where I am, I want to save men from depression/anxiety, and so on."

Because it really is pain that men have, in the end. So fuck it, I don't even care any more. I'm sincerely glad to be a part of the community.