
In the never ending story that is soon to end I am finding myself nearly in a constant state of amusement. Is this the point with DNGAF and AM is obtained when dealing with my SBX. I am OYS in every aspect for my arrival. -Reviewed the separation papers that are a solid win for me based on the prenup that she signed. Running the numbers, minimal costs to me. -Found my short term rental in young professional haven (Read cuties right out of college, and nurses for the two hospitals around) -Found my new OLY and CF gym that is nearby -Joined a Touch Rugby Team that is actively recruiting (Concussions don't allow for OG Rugby) -Turned a business trip back on after I orginally cancelled it to be home with the wife. -Picking out all my dad-pad furniture and excited as hell for some reason. -Reconnecting with old friends in the new city and planning trips/events during my return. -All the other stuff for a new exciting life.

The perceived hangup that I have is that when I am communicating with the SBX I am finding myself mentally just laughing at the situation due to what the RP has taught me.

This woman stated 1.5 month ago that she couldn't stand me and bought a home to leave me, and yet she is reaching out more than ever before and being more engaged.

This might be because she didn't get the reaction she thought she would get from BP me (groveling, take me back, I'll do anything etc, hopeless romantic BS). I am taking as much action as I can from out of country to clean everything up (Sell two homes, legal issues, etc) and driving the problem.

Our convos are always logistic and about my daughter. SBX started to talk about her new job and this and that and I brought it back to my daughter. I really don't care about her new job but I was keeping it cordial so as not to get ugly during the divorce.

I believe that she thinks I am still entertaining the "trial separation" and her plan, but overall how should one keep this amusement in check as the hamster spins, trips and falls, when her "plan" goes to shit?