I commented on that shit test / cheating post just now that there is a massive biological drive unique to men to 'unload' on the regular, and like many of you at this point in time for me its with Mrs Simba or no-one (well perhaps me and those lovely ladies on pornhub every so often).

Despite going against RP theory (no duty sex), this drive to get off makes me push for duty sex, semi regularly, maybe 1 in 4. It gets a bad rap here, which it deserves it if that is all you get. I am getting desire / dread response enough now that I don't seek the validation that i once did even from duty sex, let alone passionate sex. But fuck it, I just need it more than her. I can't be sure that will change. I kind of assume this goes on a lot, a bit like how we all have normal conversations with our wife.

So I am putting it out to you that its actually ok to pump n dump the wife every now as then, as long as you are not in it for the validation. I think there is some good red pill in taking what you want. As the old saying goes, "the bull doesn't care if the cow is DTF."

Be the Bull.