I haven't posted anything a while. See, that’s what happens when you read the sidebar, lift, OYS, and have a mission... you get too busy to always be able to comment in the first hour or 2 of a post, which are usually where the top comments will come from (not always).

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about genuine frame

In order to make progress, a big prerequisite is downsizing your ego and getting honest with yourself. I observe a lot of new guys talking out of both sides of their mouth. It’s ok - it’s how most of us arrived here - confused

Confused on so many things.... like when they say STFU, do they mean it literally. At one point, I actually took STFU literally (spoiler alert / I don’t now). STFU means speak more deliberately and stoically **while also maintaining a sense of humor.

Is that even possible? - to be stoic and humorous simultaneously? Yes, it is... in fact, it is preferable.

Don’t take your women so damn seriously

This is where humor and stoicism intercept.

However, first, you need to concentrate on the basics and become the best man you can be in all areas. The basics: lifting, eat clean/get lean, sidebar, stfu. Too many men come on her looking for an instant fix or they want to reinvent the wheel.

Once you invest in the basics over an extended period of time, you will stumble upon a resource that you couldn’t previously access:


The reason you couldn’t access frame before is because it is an inside job, and faking frame won’t get you far. As a matter of fact, faking frame is likely to backfire on you and set you back even farther than your newbie faggot ass is.... because people (particularly your woman) will see right through it, and she will throw creative shit tests at you that you never knew even existed.

See here’s the thing... women own social and verbal battlefield due to hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years of evolution. Why would you want to fight on that battlefield?

This is why you do the work for YOU. Building the frame will come as a natural result of doing the work. But, I don’t go out with the idea thinking “ok Bobby, I’m going to build some frame now” and then start trying little tricks and gimmicks to prove my frame.

Tricks and gimmicks are for PUA, and even in PUA, their effectiveness is limited because if that’s all you have, you will be unable to successfully spin plates, and the first time you try, one of them will lock you down, and then most likely dump you after you drop all your other “plates” and lose all passive dread power.

But, I digress.

Back to frame - you build it for yourself by trusting the process, and then it just happens.

One day your wife throws a shit test at you that would have made you lose your temper, yell, get butthurt, and run out of the room like a little child... but this time something different happens

  • You don’t GAF

  • You find it humorous (amused mastery)

  • Maybe you agree and augment it, and you genuinely laugh at your own response... and she does too

  • Your mind is quiet and you don’t feel stressed about the test

  • Or perhaps you feel agitated, but you STFU (stoicism}

  • You have genuine frame and you possess humor and stoicism simultaneously

Yes, it is possible. But, you have to put in the work -

  • Do the readings (not just a few books / all of them).

  • You have to get lean and add muscle.

  • You have to do weekly OYS posts

  • You have to STFU and not engage in petty arguments. Make it simple... learn the art of not arguing, but pick your battles if a serious line of disrespect is crossed.

  • If you don’t pick your battles wisely, you will get caught up in endless petty arguments-

if you find yourself having endless petty arguments, That is a reflection of your lack of leadership and lack of attractiveness.

That is on you, and you need to fix you


  • Learn amused mastery,

  • practice A&A,

  • practice fogging and flipping the script...

  • but learn the subtle art of not giving a fuck (there might even be a sidebar book about that).

Learn how to STFU and not engage

Learn how to do all these things.


By doing the work and trusting the process

The result - The ability to Be naturally humorous and stoic. Learn to feel pain without being a faggot and escalating it into something 10 times worse.

Learn to make the stay plan the same as the go plan.

Learn how to become a real man.

But, be patient - It takes time and effort, and it will be harder for some than others Depending on how deep your blue pill conditioning runs.

Get up when you fall. Get right back up on the fucking horse no matter how badly you slip backwards... just STFU and get back on the horse. It is better get badly wounded on the horse than to fall off and bitch about it.

Become humorously stoic by doing the work And trusting the process