Been stfu. Slowly getting better at AA. Still new to mrp so things are getting way better but slowly of course. Sex on command but constant nagging over the god damn dumbest shit.

After I STFU. She will get in a bad mood. Now I know I shouldn't care. But it's not fun having a wife who is sitting there laughing having a good time one min and then the next sitting there giving the silent treatment with a bitch face on, all because you changed the picture of you and her on your phone to your favorite football team.

I mean honestly today she asked why I changed my phone picture.

"Because I wanted to"

Things were great all morning!

And now she's in a bad mood. Who wants to be around that? Over a picture?

Will this change over time? Or should I think about other alternatives. Is it unrealistic to think I'll find a woman who doesn't nag? Everything Is good besides the little stupid shit she wants to make an issue of. It'll ruin her whole mood for hours I just don't get it. You could punch me in the face. Steal my money and I'd prob be over it in an hour.