I'll give y'all the long story short since I haven't posted much. Married about a year, ok balance of alpha and beta traits dating. Married, went pretty beta really quick, sex dried up and then found the red pill in March or so. Started lifting, read NMMNG and IFGWISN and lurking on MRP. I went pretty rambo, the wife found fight club, it turned into a shit show and it ended with me deciding to take a break from reading MRP. During this 'break' I focused on internalizing the two books I had read, lifting, and also hitting Jordan Peterson pretty hard to try and develop a MAP of sorts (sorting yourself out and future authoring program). Since I began this break I've gotten ahead at work, I've developed a somewhat decent frame, and I've gotten involved in the local political scene as a way to meet new friends but also have positive outlet outside of work. Now that its been a few months and her attention has drifted away from fight club, I'm starting to read this subreddit again, I'm halfway thru Rational Male (I need to read IFGWISN again though as I struggle with DEER and losing frame a bit still). Last key bit of info is that in the past few months I've only been turned down for sex maybe once or twice, but I only initiate about twice a week. She has said a few times that she feels I only use her for sex and it drives down the amount I go for it.

So now that you know the basics; today I overheard her talking about her day to a friend (assumed orbiter). She was talking about her recent doctor visit that I knew nothing about. Made me realize that we haven't engaged or 'connected' with each other in a couple months or so. I'm worried about this because I feel its whats making her think I only use her for sex, and I also do want to be able to connect with my wife. She shuts down any kind of conversation though unless its a fight, and then she can go for quite a while about our problems. She complains that I don't take her at face value, I don't think her face value is even internally consistent much less accurate of reality. She also complains that I'm not nice to her. I can be quite critical its true, but I also get the feeling that she feels entitled to compliments and so she doesn't recognize them, only when I'm not nice.

Since before we got married I've thought that I can't get thru to her. She's like a wounded animal that won't let you get close or move away without attacking, she only seems to be happy when I stay stationary, but I want to progress as a man. I'm getting the feeling that me chasing my 'MAP' has caused her to feel left behind, but she refuses to get in my frame. I think she's highly resentful and it caused her to hit me last week.

Do you think there is anything left to salvage here? I'm at my wits end I know that if she doesn't follow we'll end up divorced (as Christians we're opposed to this)(no kids! :)), but I can't get thru to her. Is there something I'm missing here, that I'm doing wrong or interpreting her wrong?