I've tried asking this in other more relevant subs but my questions get quickly deleted for violating no-injury-talk terms.

I've been lifting solidly for a year now, but that year has been pockmarked by setbacks due to poor form and, as a result, injuries. First it was my back. Then it was (and still is) my shoulder. Now it's my back again. (For reference: I am 36, 175lbs, 5'11" ~20%BF)

I've been to my doctor as well as physical therapists to work through the injuries. The back has no problems healing, but my shoulder injury is persistent, and anytime I get maybe 70% to my max on bench, I back off because the shoulder barks at me and I fear doing more damage. I originally hurt it in April.

I track calories and macros daily, eating a high protein, low fat diet.

I've read Starting Strength and reference it regularly when lifting to try to perfect my form.

I've watched countless YouTube videos.

I've filmed myself and reviewed my form.

Yet I can't seem to nail good form and avoid injuries. I promise I'm not retarded, but sometimes it feels that way when reading the successful progression of others in the weekly OYS.

Why do I keep hitting a wall and injuring myself? At this point my form feels right and looks right, but clearly something is not right or else I wouldn't be injuring myself.

My gut tells me that I should be partnering up with a more experienced weightlifter who I can trust, but that's where I'm lost. I have a gym membership (though I lift in my basement 99% of the time), but the personal trainers there do not seem trustworthy; my form seems better than theirs and I'm not interested in paying someone to make it worse.

I have two questions:

  1. What have you done that I already haven't to perfect your form and avoid injuries as you progress to higher weights?

  2. How can I find someone local who I can trust to help me progress through my challenges?