So I have been trying to identify shit tests with my wife and replying with AM and AA. It has been slow going since I only recently swallowed the red pill. One thing today that she did in a conversation was to use AM on me, or I at least think it was. We have always been able to joke with each other without issue in the past but I wanted some input about 1) if it was AM or she was just joking? 2) What would have been the best response from others.

The conversation started with her simply asking me if I had a Kreig Jig. I do since I do wood working sometimes and its a life saver. I told her I did and its awesome. She responded with "Cool, I might do something?" This immediately made me think because she didn't volunteer what she was doing immediately and wanted to use my stuff. I am not OCD about my tools and she owns a construction company so she is handy herself but I was still weary on how to answer back. I replied with "What is something? Dont fuck up my tools." Her response to this was the penguin voice from the Madagascar movie "You didn't see anything". I just replied with " I smell a Pintrest project in full bloom." To which she replied "Smmmeeeelllll what the Rock is cooking!!" and walked out of the kitchen. I left it at that and didn't say anything else. I was laughing on the inside but wasn't sure if I just had AM used on me or if I am just overthinking the whole thing like a noob.