A few days ago, wife came and apologized for her bitchiness. She told me to "just call her Shithead." (She pronounces it "Sha-thea"... A joke of hers). Shortly thereafter she decided to jump on her hamster wheel and to bitch about how I'm changing. "You said X," "you're being an asshole a lot lately," "i'm going to come up with a name for you that I'll call you whenever you annoy me or act like an ass." I smirked at her and just said " Ok babe." She started by calling me Richard since the short name is Dick. I responded by telling her I'd take it as a clear declaration that she wanted my dick. She changed it immediately to RRRRIIICK (said with a disgusted intonation that just doesn't come across in text, sorry). I try not to respond our react, but I've noticed that she can use it to derail any response to any other Shit test.

Example: she asks me to get up and get her a drink. I ask if her legs are broken. It earns me a scowl and a "RRRRIIICK." I chuckle.

We've been cuddling on the couch watching TV. I'm hungry so I get up to make some food. While I'm at the fridge she asks for a piece of chocolate she keeps there. Sure, I turn around and toss her one, but she doesn't catch it and it lands on the floor a few feet away. "Well thanks... What, you couldn't bring it to me RRRRIIICK?" I smile, keep making food and then walk to the couch with my food, passing the chocolate she's left there. I make no move to pick it up, which earns me some terse words and a "RRRRIIICK," and then she gets off her ass and grabs the chocolate. I just chuckle.

Those are a couple examples from a day or so ago, but I hear it at least 5 times a day. I don't want to be butt hurt about it. I shouldn't give a fuck. But I think that it does bug me and she can tell, so she does or add often as she can. How do I either put an end to it or really not give a fuck about it?