This really gets to me, since on the surface I get many of the things I want and work on some of the rest, but this is something I have no idea how to change and even if possible to.

I asked her if she notices those responses, she says no and that sex was good (although the response itself not veery enthusiastic.) Almost any other girl I have been sexual with, had much softer and more inviting bodily responses (unless I initiated and she did not want to.)

It comes to a point when I feel unattracted to her. And since she doesn't notice she does it, this doesn't seems like something I can change by will. So I have a girl who has sex with in ways in times tat are mostly to my satisfaction, while many of the times I feel like her body is saying hard no to me.

One last thing, she is also stiff like that emotionally. She barely cries, ever. I think in our 7 years together I cried more than she. She tends to get bossy, but since TRP I don't let her be like that with me.

Anyway, any advice?