So I ran across this article in the National Review where it seems society is starting to wake up and realize the danger of the feminine imperative and its effect on boys. I found it an interesting read. Enjoy.

Edit: TLDR

Young American males are losing touch with a critical element of true masculinity.

The average college male has no more hand strength than a 30 year old mom.

In the age of zero-tolerance school-disciplinary policies — where any kind of physical confrontation is treated like a human-rights violation — they have less opportunity to develop toughness. Today’s young males don’t have common touchstones for what it’s like to grow up to be a man.

Our culture strips its young men of their created purpose and then wonders why they struggle. It wonders why men — who are built to be distinctive from women — flail in modern schools and workplaces designed from the ground-up for the feminine experience. Men were meant to be strong. Yet we excuse and enable their weakness.