After watching the video I think the fact that he got criminally charged, and cut from the NFL is bullshit!

She hit him, then she hit him again, and then she charged him. Then he hit her. I don't see what the problem is here, she's a full grown adult, and I assume she is capable of using reason to understand what she was doing and what could come of it. He has the right to defend himself.

you might feel like whining here, 'but she's just a woman'. I agree, and she is an adult capable of taking responsibility for her own actions. If her actions are to assault someone, then the results of her actions are her own responsibility.

White Knights, feminists, etc. this is equality, you fought for it, your adults, and now it's time to accept it. If a woman attacks a man, the should be able to respond the same way he would a man of a similar size and strength were attacking. Equal rights, equal fights.