I've VP'd my backstory here before under another throwaway account. Highlights - Sex stopped early after prego, married 1+ year, passive-aggressive butt hurt behavior on my end, newborn, name calling, found out she started texting an ex-bf (her new branch). Realized, I failed as a leader the entire time.


I righted the ship and we are no longer taking on water after hitting the iceberg. Readings, running MAP, lifting, dread the right way this time. Her behavior is much better and the physical stuff is slowly coming back. Both our behaviors are very consistent. Texting her 'branch' stopped for the most part. I came off months of actually disliking my wife as a person and really had no interest in sex with her other than maybe a grudge fuck. Now I'm a pussy when I say this but, I have anxiety if I try to initiate sex. It's to the point where I don't even want to try for fear of being shot down. Which means I need a lesson in OI.


Am I alone in this? Am I just being a pussy? If anyone else went through this how did you over come it?