I feel very lucky to have found this sub while I am still young (18 years old.) It has seriously taught me so much. I used to be a mess...a loud, obnoxious, smoking teenager with neon hair, piercings and ripped clothes. I partied and smoked pot. I ate horribly. I had no confidence and was a bitter person.

This sub opened my eyes. It has transformed me into a pleasant, amicable woman. I have since then dyed my hair, started wearing feminine clothes, stopped drinking, and just recently shredded my cigarettes into the garbage. I have embraced my submissive nature, and have become more soft spoken and feminine. I have also started working out, lifting and eating well.

At first when I found this sub, I was angry. I thought it was stupid, misogynistic...you know the drill. But I became obsessed with it. I read it every day. And eventually, all of the truths started to hit me, and I realized what I had to do. That I had to accept it and use it to shape myself into a better person.

This change has done nothing but good things for me. It has even helped me strengthen my relationships with my family and friends.

The wishy-washy, demotivational messages of feminism and modern lifestyles would never give me the kind of confidence and happiness that this subreddit has provided for me.

I just want to thank all you great ladies (and men!) for persevering with this subreddit. It gets a lot of hate, and always will. People misunderstand it's message and get angry at its ideas, no matter how true they are. But it will remain. My success and joy shows how much of an amazing, inspirational, and truthful place this is.

So I just want to encourage you guys to keep on going through, no matter how much hate and bitter slander you guys receive. Because in the end, we are the ones that will continue pursuing fact, not fiction, when it comes to our lives and relationships. And we will come out stronger.

Ya'all rock! :)