Hey everyone!

So I made a random comment speaking about my cousins who got their crazy teacher suspended from school, and I got so many PMs about that, I guess I need to discuss that lol.

My young cousins are 9,11, 12 and 14. All of them are basically smart, young, decent boys. I will admit that they are sometimes agressive and fight amongst their male peers and friends, but as we all know, that is all part of the growing process. We have all went through that, it builds character as men.

One thing I love about them is that they already have the MGTOW/Redpill mentality without knowing the actual words. Like my cousin last time said, “What’s in it for me if I get married, I feel like I can do everything without a ring”. He’s 11. I asked him about this and if he read this online. He said no, it’s logical. “Girls are spoilt in school and I don’t get anything.” All four of them don’t see the point of cohabiting or being in the company of these girls. Just like we all feel, they all tell me the same thing: “They cry alot, emotion over logic, and they always want attention”. Even from the age of 6 years old.

I see my cousins literally making girls cry with their “indifferent” comments especially in school events where family members can attend, but the crazy part is that these girls keep coming back to them. I am not shocked; they all want the attention, it’s cocaine to them. Like once, I literally saw with my own eyes a girl say, “ You like my new bracelet?” , and my 9 yo cousin was like “It’s okay I guess” and she started crying, then she gave him a soft slap. Attention seeking from 9 years old. Or a girl who was smelly tried to hug him and he was like “Please go wash or I’ll tell on you”. The girl started crying and he said “I thought we were always supposed to tell the truth” Like I love it. We men from youth are so direct and to the point, and that’s how it’s supposed to be. Any man that deviates and becomes a softie is a simp. Be a man, do your own thing, and always say the truth.

Anyways, as per my last comment on this sub: One of their teachers taught them all, as they go to the same school so the prof teaches multiple class grades. My 12 yo cousin had a teacher in math who was teaching them, and he told told me that once she went off on a rant on how there’s not enough “fEmAlE mAtHeMatEcIAnS iN hIsToRy”, and “we need to talk about that”. Like bitch this is a math class. So my cousin said “I thought the best teachers in history became the best, not because it’s a guy or girl”. The teacher did not like that, and she got him sent to the principal’s office.

He got a detention for a day. When he came back, he had a math test which he got a 23/28, not bad right? He was supposed to get a fucking 26. This bitch took two points off. She wrote on the edge of the paper in red that his comments from last time were “offensive to other sexes and other POC.” When my uncle saw this, he got so mad. I went to the school with him, and told the principal, that this is math, not politics or history class. This is math. Regardless of who the person is, if they are good in math, they should get the grade, it’s all about pure calculation.

The next day, the teacher got called in and she was literally adamant about this. Then, she made a stupid comment where she says, “YOU guys are POC, you should understand. My comment is to help you”. That shit made me lose my cool. Basically she was a liberal feminist white bitch trying to be a white saviour for us “weak POC folk”. The principal was a divorced male lol, so I could see in his eyes that he felt that. Long story short (other crazy shit happened but I want to skip), I called back and I heard she was suspended for 3 weeks for being a repeated unfair marker. That’s when it turned out that ANOTHER teacher in the school told me that she was a true sexist. For example, she would indirectly force the students to make projects in her science class about Marie Curie and Rosalind Franklin instead of Einstein and Mendeleev, and she would systematically take points off for the boys.

I live in Canada, and last I saw her she was in a Tim Hortons talking to her 2 fat friends, as usual, all unmarried and rainbow-haired.