I really hate the games we are forced to play when it comes to a relationship. Besides rejecting relationships altogether, what alternatives are guys left with than the dread game when we are confronted with them? I've always known it was effective, even before TRP, from experiences back when I was a teenager. Generally without fail I became much more desirable when I decided I've had enough to pull away with my self-respect intact. As I grew older, and presumably more mature, I decided that I could put these childish relationship games behind me. My conclusion was, I just needed to start looking into relationship with people who are more mature.

Sadly this never goes away. Interestingly enough, the less attractive a female sees herself, I've noticed a lot less "games" or manipulation in the relationship. Not going into the whys but that has been a very accurate observation in my experience. Maybe I'm just bad luck in choosing partners or this is just cold hard reality.

warning, rant below, TL;DR provided

So I have this long-term, on & off FWB, relationship with an ex of mine. I've always wanted to move on to a more serious relationship with her because I believed that we had something special. Every time I bring it up it's always the "I love you but..." or "I don't want to ruin a good thing". For a while it was fine because I somehow saw that they were reasonable even though it was a persistent source of stress for me because I was always trying to please her. That somehow, if I spent enough time with her, showed her enough affection, picked her up from work, or surprised her with flowers, that she would finally see what she is missing. That makes absolutely no sense because she is already getting all of that without the relationship part.

Without even intending to use the dread game, and after years of being just FWB, I concluded that we just wanted separate things. I started to prioritize others over her that did want a relationship with me and, like a cue, she calls me crying about wanting a relationship. Seriously? If I wasn't sure before I am definitely sure that I don't want a relationship with her. I was genuinely happy when I was with her but I am not willing to play these games. If I do end up with her, is this the only way I can remain in this state where I am actually desired? Would I actually have to throw the dread game every now and then to make it work? I am just not willing to do it because I still really do care for her.

TL;DR: Inadvertently, the dread game made me more desirable in a relationship. I hate the games and I hate that it works.

Sorry for that rant but here is my question to TRP, is it possible to have a relationship without these idiotic games? I feel like I've been taking advice about relationships from people who are well-meaning, but seriously deluded about relationships, my whole life. It's a colder world after TRP, and I can't say that I'm all the way through just yet (hard to shed this idealistic part of me), but the validity of TRP has been proven again and again in my life.

Edit1: formatting

Edit2: Thanks for all the responses! Will get to them when able.

Edit3: Again, thanks for all the responses. Great examples and stories with rational and reasonable responses. Here is what I've learned. Big one, this place isn't an I hate women sub like everyone has led me to believe. It's a reasonable and rational response to situations. This was a place for me to finally call BS. It was also important for me to realize that there are relationships out there that's not based on these types of games. Big however, is that they are the exception and not the rule. Until then, why remain defenseless if we can even call it that? Place yourself as a priority because no one will do it for you. If you're in a toxic relationship, being defenseless will suck you dry till you're no better than a shell of a man. Thanks again all and thanks for sharing.