Women without father figures or with malignant father figures tend to have all kinds of different types of Daddy Issues, ranging from an absolute hostility to any kind of male authority to a craving for male attention so desperate that it accepts even the worst forms of abuse and degradation.

Women who have positive, healthy relationships with their fathers tend to be more feminine, more grounded, and have healthier relationships with a better quality of men -- they tend to have better filters for sorting out the malignant abuser types, the drug addicts, etc. Not always (some fal prey to their own kindness and fall for the male equivalent of "broken birds," like drug addicts), but generally these kind of women seek out strong male authority in their relationships -- alphas.

I was thinking today about how men and women separate from their opposite sex parent. Men "cut the apron strings" -- part of growing up and becoming a man is learning to break away from the emotional and material support of the mother, who often will (unintentionally, not maliciously) emotionally smother a son who is threatening to leave the nest. Thus for the man, separation from the parent is something the child does -- generally in late adolescence.

Girls who have healthy relationships with their fathers have a very different experience. As pre-pubsecent children, they are -- like all children -- sexless and neutral. A father can grab his daughter and engage with her physically, roughouse, give piggyback rides, etc. with his little girl.

Then in early adolescence, her body begins to change. She begins to develop, and the father naturally retreats. He becomes increasingly physically distant as she becomes a young woman and roughhouse play with her begins to take on a sexual undertone that is naturally repellent to a father.

So while the boy pushed his mother away and disentangles himself, the girl is pushed away and alienated -- and the reasons for the alienation of her father's love and attention are only dimly aware to her. Something about her has changed and become shameful to her father.

I wonder then if this underlies the female desire to surrender to an alpha -- who radiates masculine power -- and also the need for ASD (Anti-Slut Defense; the need for the man to take responsibility for her sexuality). She craves, on a deep emotional level, both a return of her father's love, but also a respite from the lingering sense of shame that her sexuality is what drove her father away. By fucking her, the alpha male lover restores that masculine power missing from her, while reintegrating her sexuality into the whole of her being.

The male alpha lover becomes a new father who can love her and her adult sexuality.

Something to experiment with.