Hey all,

This is an update to my previous post where an ex-boyfriend went into my girlfriend's mom's house (where she lives) and drew a pentagram with his blood on her wall and trashed her room. She initially did not want to go to the police due to her aversion to the authorities but I eventually convinced her it was the right thing to do.

Well...when I get to her house to take her, her mom recommends we just have the police call the dude and give him a warning. I'm like "naw fuck that" and say we should go for the restraining order. So we go there to talk with the police and she gives her story.

After a few questions she is asked if she has any recent texts to this guy. She lies and tells the police that she has only called (Stupid).

Turns out, when the officer calls the guy, he ends up reading a whole string of texts from her to the officer. When the officer called her back to tell her what he said, the officer calls her out on the lie and she freaks out. The officer then says she will come over to take pictures. After she hangs up, she goes on a bitchfit about how this wasn't that big of a deal and we shouldn't have went to the police and basically tells me to leave after I get annoyed and try to convince her otherwise.

Looks like I should have taken your advice and just left her. Don't be the mistake of a crazy girl like I was.