So , since I just killed a direct link with no analysis on askmrp I thought it a good time to grab a recent bluepilled man's example from another sub to show what we mean and how analysis demonstrates understanding.

We don't care about the clueless out there on other subs.

The point is we want to know that YOU are getting it. And analysis demonstrates that one way or another.

Also ,no link needed (will only encourage brigading <both ways> banning, etc.. just quote the relevant part or use NP)

So on a sub related to the exposure of pyramid schemes this poor clueless beta comes in to tell us his story as a warning.

My wife got into Herbalife two years ago and I was always very hesitant about her doing so because of what I'd heard but granted I did not know much beyond what I'd heard and some cursory reading. Every worry I stated she shut down with what I now know is the prepared drivel they tell their people to say. "

So at this point he already knows it's "prepared drivel". Or if he didn't, let's assume an alert leader would at least do his own independent fact checking. You don't need to do this with every first officer decision but for fuck sure when a lot of money, time and effort is on the line: you quality check. Is that what he did?

I didn't want to be an oppressive partner and I didn't want to shut down her dreams so I entertained it and gave my blessing for her to use some of our shared savings to start this as she is a personal trainer and has a good number of clients. We did not have a lot saved up, but were getting close to our target for a new home and renovations, and I felt fairly confident in her ability to earn. "

Wow. So no. Joe Beta takes her drivel, that he already assumes is such and agrees to "bless" her with the funds. Mind you, these were not a lot but apparently close enough for a new house...renovations...etc. well, in my book that's actually alot. Maybe they were rich (we'll see in the end).

And where does this confidence come from when he knows to begin with it's drivel? guess. How many wives worry about being oppressive in this situation? If a "partner" is about to spend money you've earmarked for other purchases to chase something about on ounce of independant research would reveal as a pyramid scheme? But that is what main stream , oprafied acceptable husbands do. Not get in the way between her dreams and the money.

For a year she was doing well and seemed really to just care about the clients and helping them, and she seemed very happy and her clients were too. I noticed more money was going but it would be replenished a week or two later, so I stopped looking as I felt myself becoming paranoid.

So, on the surface it looked like it was breaking even. How long are we going to roll with this? Diligence in an investment is just that, not Paranoia. Paranoid would be your mindset or what you are hamstering to make your natural (and smarter) gut "unease" , mollifed.

You are only paranoid IN HINDSIGHT.

In this case he would have been proven "PERCEPTIVE".

After that first year, I felt things change and her working longer hours and stockpiling product. I asked her about it and for the first time ever in our marriage, she told me to "fuck off" in a complete stress outburst, for which she apologised and it wasn't a big deal but was the first sign of stress.

Yeah, no red flags there. The first time he blindly demonstrated she could walk over him with a few placating remarks and assurances. She's lost respect for him as a leader. At this point it's her show , which completely explains why she'd tell a subordinate to fuck off. That's her true view of him bleeding out. It's not a shit test. This guy was failing fitness tests for a year by this point. He was just an annoying PASSED OUT DRUNK captain who raised his head long enough to question her piloting.

So that was the first year. It gets much much worse.

Over the last year, she has completely drained our savings and put us five figures in debt, and cancelled all of our standing orders so as to be able to cover product order costs which resulted in fines and huge bills I wasn't aware of at all. She even had one of her friends from Herbalife cook up a fake document that stated our account was fine, which actually led to me being arrested after going into the bank and providing false documentation without knowing it. I was since released and was subsequently not charged after being confronted with the truth and being obviously shocked and unaware.

I would argue at this point, to go this far she may even be seeing him as an Omega male or completely irrelevant. I mean she raped their bank account for at least a year or two with him taking bullshit as an answer. As well as telling him to fuck off when cornered. Her respect for him and their family is no where in the equation. There's people at her work willing to collude with her to commit a crime.



for an indeterminate amount of time. I'm sure she's totally going to be repent her deception and the collateral damage at this point going forward...

My wife has now left me, and has moved in with her sister, and at some point had her name removed from the shared billing of the house leaving me in the complete debt. I have had to consult solicitors due to the fact this was also done illegally, but I can't afford to go through a whole case, not least against the woman I love who just wanted to start a side income to help us both.

This is a man zeroed-out. He went from Beta to Omega to a patsy, a thing to use.

Because she was evil?

Because the MLM scheme was evil?

Or because he didn't tell her NO from the start?

We know from experience that telling a woman NO sometimes iis not only what you want...but what they need in order to respect you.

From his sad little eyes he would have been squashing a dream that instead ACTUALLY BECAME her nightmare which then she foisted onto him as is now his to own.

So did he rebound into someone we'd see stumbling in ...full blown anger rambo?

Herbalife has absolutely ruined our lives, and through the uplines sending my wife upwards of 20 emails a day with sentences like "Make the sale however you can, flirt with them if you have to" or "Put yourself out there as single, and indicate that working with you is going to be long term" she shut off any shared approach we had to business or life, and I've almost completely lost her. I am losing my home, I'm quite literally surviving on a meal a day, and I'm going to have to sell my car which I need for work. I am going to turn this around, somehow, and I am going to sue the living shit out of Herbalife for their practices but at this point in time I am completely defeated.

I'm very sorry for this long post, and perhaps you can see why I've thought about not posting it many times, but please do share my story with others who are getting into this situation because there is nothing in this life worth this damage and pain. I am broken."

Yep.. It's the company's fault. If she threw her lot in with a company hinting at selling your attention for money, and she got as desperate as letting him take the fall while cutting and running I can bet real money that she went above and beyond with "clients" and "coworkers" whom not only did she respect, but took (bad) advice from. No where in here is the blame aimed at the chick who killed your puppy and hung it around your neck. Nope, it was the gun. This is a poor person with supreme oneitis, left with no life and no self respect.

So hopefully he grows enough of a pair to get legal advice...then if he's lucky he could see the RP light of day.

Get a handle and control of your finances if you don't already. It's not about trust. It's not about paranoia. It's simple accounting 101. You can suck at math and still know basic addition and subtraction. You may not be the one good at picking stocks or investments, but you can know + is better than - .

Learn to say NO.

Her "dreams and goals" should compliment...not cost ... the family, otherwise they're just "bad ideas".

If risk is involved with any idea: you research until you fully understand what is not only at stake , set goalposts along the way and continually evaluate. Finally if you can't wrap your brain around how it is a good idea to begin with then you punt.

A few years ago I thought it would be a good idea to invest in real estate (rental property) instead of the stock market and was prepared to do the work.

Problem ended up being that I live in a renter's state with horrible taxes for landlords and I live far enough from other states that they are out of the question. Where I live you essentially need to be able to purchase around 4 properties up front for it to pay for itself. A lot of steps were taken in that direction. Still, even with some penalties I reinvested my money back in the stock market. (NOTE: not saying this specific situation is the same or applies to any wanting to do this... ) and hey...guess who had clear reservations about it and let me know without "guilt" or feeling like they were squashing my dream?

Mrs. CountP

She wouldn't be my XO if I couldn't rely on her as a second set of eyes.

In the end the impartial numbers won.

Imagine for a second this guy said no and his worst fears came true?

She left him then over him saying no? How in the world would he not be in a 1000% better situation now.

More likely if he was rp aware (or natural) she'd have just thanked him a year or two later as saving her from herself. Or even if not... that's her emotion to manage... it was still a shit idea.