All of my previous partners were super sensitive and in tune with my emotions and could offer emotional support rather than the "Well, just don't be depressed/sad/nervous/disappointed" thing I get from my current SO. He is super logical and also has told me that he "shut down" expressing all feelings because he wanted to avoid being vulnerable and getting hurt. My car needs new brakes? He's my man. I want to talk about how I feel and want something other than a blank look and a hug? Nope.

But this has created a dynamic of me looking for something from him he can't/won't do and then me feeling disappointed in him and him feeling bad because he can't/won't do it, etc. Or I'll end up steering the convo, and he'll open up, but I feel like I've metaphorically beaten him to get some kind of emotional reaction for him, and now that I'm typing this it just makes me feel gross.

So I'm operating now from the position that I love who he is (and I do) and I'm not going to try to get something for me by manipulating him or crying or whatever (yes, I sound like a child). I've been working on journaling, learning some self-worth techniques to help myself, strengthening friendships, working on my hobbies, etc., which I think are all good steps, but now I feel this...void? I feel like my partner and I are really awesome roommates and friends who have really great sex, but I don't feel emotionally connected to him. He takes care of me in lots of ways, so I don't know why I'm so focused on this.

Is this normal? Is feeling emotionally connected just something that exists in novels? Is this a problem I'm just creating?