Once you’ve stepped out of the Matrix, this is all becomes a literal product of your imagination.

I’ve been reading this stuff heavily for almost a year and I thought the simple facts were helpful so I stuck around a lot longer that I ever intended.

Lifting has been a cherished hobby of mine all thanks to this sub. You’ve also renewed my faith in manhood. This is another topic but it deserves recognition because I’m not alone. There’s lots of guys here going through this grind or whatever you wanna call it and it’s almost too much to handle at time. The times you read a post about a guy saying this was me, back then hoes didn’t want me but the details are fucking juicy and tender and it brings me to my knees just thinking about it. Like a prayer. I know it’s cringe but that makes it real. It makes our interactions with women real and it gives our life’s some sorta substance that was missing. We should all act in humility in the face of our enemy, women, our career, relationships, etc. these women bleed for us and I dare say they lay it all on the line time after time.

I love coming to this sub for encouragement when I’m weak, when that plate breaks or starts acting in ways my old self would feel so discourage he would throw the baby out with the bath water. I’m not saying the lord is finished with me yet but I have a renewed sense of purpose, One I can’t talk to my partner about because she lives for the Now. She doesn’t wanna know I stay up in the middle of the night reading a sub of intellectual men taking about sexual strategy. She wants to be part of the dance. Thank you guys so much. Life is isn’t meaningless...