I can already imagine the typical BluePiller's reaction to the title: "WTF?! Cynicism is bad!!" To which I'd respond: Sit down, shut up, and listen. This post is for you. We RedPillers have re-purposed cynicism to our advantage, which means BluePillers are inherently at a disadvantage in the SMP, or sexual marketplace (cap tip to Rollo Tomassi for developing this concept).

Addressing the BluePillers

Modern men have been raised rather simplistically, in terms of our moral education and how we ought to alter our decision-making in order to adhere to those socially-contrived morals. Whether it be through the media, peer pressure, or any of our childhood superiors -- parents, teachers, coaches, etc. -- the moral education that society vomits out to us goes as follows :

  • There are "good" behaviors and "bad" behaviors which people engage in. No exceptions.
  • There are "good" people and "bad" people, and we can differentiate them based on their types of behaviors. Again, no gray areas here.
  • Depending on your religion, "good" people live after they die!!! and "bad" people actually die for real!!!

We're taught as boys that one of people's "bad" behaviors is cynicism, which is not even a fucking behavior. This is how Wikipedia defines "cynicism" : "Cynicism is an attitude or state of mind characterized by a general distrust of others' motives believing that humans are selfish by nature, ruled by emotion, and heavily influenced by the same primitive, barbaric instincts that helped humans survive in the wild before agriculture and civilization became established."

Did you notice all the naughty words within that definition? Doesn't the definition's attempt to guilt-trip its readers want to make you throw up? Good, now bear with me. Here's a much better definition, given the lack of judgmental distortion within the definition : Cynicism is the mature decision to acknowledge the biologically-formed survival instinct of humanity, particularly its influence on the actions taken to place oneself in the most optimal circumstance possible. Notice how nowhere in this definition did I imply that we "judge" people who we don't know and attach (known) traits to their (unknown) character. We do, however, accept the truth that people are human, that humans are animals, and that animals have survival instincts. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you some bullshit.

So then let's put it this way : People are absolutely selfish. If not, we'd never eat, because the act of eating inherently places the importance of my hunger above someone else's. So yes, society is trying to sell us something when they tell us that cynicism is "bad." And guess what? It's for the advantage of the people making the rules! They want to control us as best as possible. Our parents didn't want us to get into "trouble." Our teachers wanted their jobs to be as easy as possible (i.e., the "don't fucking question this shit, just circle the right answers" curriculum). And most importantly, those who are in power do not want their power to be challenged. So what do they do? They tell us that helping everyone else is "good" but helping yourself is "bad." Well guess what, TRP is here to tell you, "Fuck that shit, you make your own rules." As men we must trust the masculine instincts we were gifted with at birth. That's right, those very instincts which Feminism and the government alike are actively trying to suppress for their own respective benefits. What about you? Don't you deserve to be the primary beneficiary of your own efforts? It's tough to form an argument to the contrary.

Swallow the Red Pill, you deserve it

TRP and the manosphere is here to help you re-purpose cynicism for the benefit of you and your loved ones. However, you cannot truly love others until you love yourself. The inverse is also true, others won't love you until you love yourself. This is where the moral education of our childhood badly misses the mark. We're taught to place all others above ourselves, even as we see others placing themselves first. We're taught, "Those people are bad." And yet those very same people are able to maintain their self deluded view of being "good," which is achieved by making empty apologies which "allows" them to scratch their misdoings from their respective moral report card. Starting to see how stupid this shit is? Welcome to society.

TRP and the manosphere "community" as a whole have noticed a trend of "cynicism" (we prefer to call it self improvement) occurring among the greatest Men who have ever lived. What we do is seek to emulate those patterns on an individual level. One of the truest things we were taught as young boys is that "Anyone can be great." And thus we have a foundation set in place for our life purpose : Be great. Because I fucking can be. You might not deserve it now, and you might not deserve it later, but you were given the tools to be great so you better damn well at least try.

No one will ever unjustifiably dictate you as a great Man. It is your responsibility to achieve greatness for yourself. The Men in the world who are the best at what they do have invested more time and effort into their respectable crafts than anyone else. No man was born to be naturally successful; it is our responsibility to condition ourselves that way. And when I say "responsibility," I'm referring to an accountability which falls solely on yourself. Don't do it for me, don't do it for her, don't do it for your family. It's for YOU. What do you deserve in life? How much greatness? How much self-respect? How much respect from others? How much dripping wet pussy? You want it? Do something about it. For a man to achieve his goals in modern-day society, he must seek them out himself, as if he's a hunter. However, he's an extremely weak hunter if he's opted to sit in one place with a sniper. He needs to grab the fucking shotgun and get out there. Good things don't come to you. That's a myth.

Never feel guilty for being selfish, and never be afraid to be great. You get ONE shot at life and that's fucking it. There's no seconds chance. So first and foremost, don't live another day with a less than optimal mindset. You're man - you have the ability to conquer life. Own that shit. Take risks. Learn pain. Do it today, fuck it, do it right now. You'll be a better Man tomorrow. Embrace the fuck out of being a cynic. Everyone will love you for it because you'll be moving forward in life. There's nothing more self-satisfying to a Man, than competing with his own limits and watching them stretch to places beyond his imagination.

tl;dr Society's moral code is largely rooted in control. Why live by the morals of a complete stranger (or anyone for that matter), when you have the power to live by your own? One of the most crucial steps of unplugging from the feminine Matrix is rewriting your morals in a way which aligns with Truth. Humanity's cynical nature is deeply rooted in that Truth. By deciding to do what's best for yourself in life ("embracing cynicism"), your eventual reaction will be to improve yourself in a way which incrementally brings you closer to achieving your goals in life. Here on TRP we know this as self-improvement. If you skip this step, however, your life will progress at a rate that's determined by others. Take back what's yours, and expedite that rate. You deserve a shot at greatness, so get off your ass and take the damn shot.