
Skipped the first 4 or so minutes because it's a caller talking about his personal problems.

Takeaways from the video (if you read this, you can basically skip the video):

  • Feminism sells men a bill of goods that women "put up with them" as if they're doing men some sort of favour. They do this so that men "feel lucky" just to be with a woman and have no demands of their own.

  • Women used to pretend they don't like sex to raise their value by giving men sex. Because if women admitted they like sex in the way that men do, then two people having sex would cancel each other out in terms of value exchange and thus the woman would gain nothing.

  • Addendum to the previous point: men had/have to bring extra value to the relationship because by having sex they're making women do something distasteful.

  • Religions banned masturbating because it would compete with and bring down the value of vagina. "You'll go to hell." "You'll go blind." etc.

  • The war of the sexes is about who brings more to the table. If you can convince men that women don't really need them, want them or like them then men feel desperate. Basically Molyneux here is saying feminism has men societally in a collective state of dread by making them feel lesser than women.

  • The only reason they can get away with demeaning male importance in the modern world is because of the welfare state. Everything women used to be dependent on from men is now provided to them by the government in benefits, alimony, child support etc.

  • Women can indulge in assholes now because of the government safety net. In the old days if a guy wouldn't provide, she wouldn't be able to survive. Basically society used to be skewed towards beta bux, but with the advent of the welfare state post-feminism, it's become skewed towards alpha fux.

  • Male responsibility to women has dissolved along with the welfare state which is why also female sexual irresponsibility has become so prevalent.

  • The sexual urge should be harnessed to benefit civilization and culture.

  • We used to focus the wild sexual energy of the teenage years into the foundation of family which is in turn the foundation of society.

  • A woman who is worth dating will never leave you in doubt as to the value of men. She won't joke, put men down, treat men negatively, she won't roll her eyes or talk about men as boys.

  • Women can talk to women in a way that men can't because men have been excluded from the discourse on gender due to the idea of "patriarchy."

  • Addendum to the previous point, women need to talk to women more to encourage productive/virtuous behaviour within them. (shout out to /r/redpillwomen)

  • The state is a shadow and an effect of the family.