I posted this yesterday, and was told to reformat it to include a question. I want to make it clear I am posting this story because I am confused and would like feedback about how to proceed. I am leaving the original post in tact.

Sometimes no matter how well you internalize red pill concepts, they still sting when you are hit in the face with them.

I have had a plate now for 3 months. Started out strictly sexual, but we ended up becoming good friends. She has high SMV - a Yale graduate who is graduating from Rutgers medical school and about to start residency as a urologist. Beautiful too, a solid 9.

She fell in love with me pretty early on, and made it very clear to me that she was not going to see anyone else. I kept up my plates, and she basically told me just to not tell her about it. Meanwhile, she began showing signs of being an LTR interest. Over the past month, I have gradually begun losing interest in my other plates as I began to see this girl as more and more of a candidate for an LTR. About a week ago, we were hiking and she told me she was in love with me and wasn't sure how she felt about me seeing other girls. I asked her, "are you trying to define this relationship?" She said she doesn't like to be the one to do that, and I said I dont either. We agreed to just keep things the way they were. Thursday we had amazing sex and she told me she loved me. I told her that I did love her in an erotic way and as a friend and that I liked the way things were going. She came to church with me and my mom for the Easter Vigil, and at one point I looked at my phone and there was a bumble notification. This upset her visibly.

Next day I injured myself at the gym. I had to take the day off from work and ice. 4 times that day she asked me if I would come over. I told her I couldn't because I was injured. At no point did she ask if she could come to me, and I didn't invite her because I just wanted to rest. That night, she decides to text me "I redownloaded bumble and I have a guy on his way over to watch GOT with me". I got pissed at her, not because she wasn't allowed to see other guys, but because she was telling me about it to be spiteful when I was home with an injury. She ended up breaking down and crying, telling me that she would never ever actually go through with something like that and that she only wants me. The next morning, she texted me repeatedly begging me not to be mad and that she only loves me and would never ever actually do anything with any other guy.

She ended up going on an alcohol bender and disappearing for a day after this, and I got concerned. I went to her apartment to check on her. I found her drunk in her room after her roommate let me in, and curiosity got the best of me. I looked through her phone. Turns out that night, she did in fact go and meet this guy on bumble. She slept at his house and they had sex multiple times at night and in the morning. She in fact had called me crying from his house, and this motherfucker even knew my name and was texting her laughing about me. Apparently she had also invited him over tonight before she passed out drunk. Looking back at the texts, she had texted me proclaiming her innocence all night and morning, meaning that this was in between sex sessions with this guy. I read all of this in her phone and literally smacked her in the face and left.

Tl:dr AWALT and all women are fucking whores

What should I do with this whore? Give her another chance? Ghost? I feel like knowing AWALT, its almost too much to expect a woman to NOT be like that, especially given what I did to her hamster. But at the same time, this kind of behavior is just so intolerable to me.